The Storm Rolls In

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A/N: I miss Daniel. He's a nice character I whipped up. I didn't give him a last name yet. How about... Parker. Daniel Parker! :D That was the first name I came up with in about ten seconds. Anyway, here's chapter four. Hope you like it.

I climb over the back seats after a few minutes of silence and I plop myself down in a comfy car seat. I fasten my seat belt (safety first, right?) and look out the car window. I catch Jack in the corner of my eye glancing at me in the mirror above him. I guess he doesn't mind that I moved seats. Honestly, I'm a little scared. I don't know where Jack's taking me or who he's selling me to or what the guy who's taking me off Jack's hands is gonna do with me. I watch the snow flakes fall outside in the night, covering the houses and land with fluffy white snow. The snow flakes look pretty big in size, and there's a lot falling from the clouds above.

The roads are icy. Jack is really taking it easy on the turns and how he steps his foot on the break every so often. I watch people we pass by. They're all walking the streets or getting in their cars or something. They have no idea that I'm kidnapped right now. I wonder how upset Daniel is. Is he searching the streets for me? Is he calling the police? I have no way of knowing. I wish I had my phone to call for help, but Jack would probably just take it away if I tried to get him arrested.

The wind is strong. Every couple minutes the wind blows the snow into our view, creating white-outs so Jack can't see where he's going. It makes me nervous. Not many cars are traveling around us. I bet most people knew about a storm rolling in. Another white-out blocks Jack's view completely. He knows the road goes straight for a few miles, so he keeps driving.

"Jack," I say with worry in my voice, "you should turn back. The roads are pretty bad."

"It's fine," he snaps. The snow clears up and he can see where he's going again. "I got this."

The road leads up a hill. As Jack drives up the steep hill, another white-out blinds our view outside. The road has a thick layer of ice, and Jack gets stuck. Still unable to see where he's driving, Jack presses his foot on the gas pedal with a bit more force. I watch the meter by the steering wheel: 50 miles per hour. 60 miles per hour. 70 miles per hour. He steers left and right.

"Jack, slow down!" I plead. I'm really scared now. The white-out won't clear up this time, and Jack's car is going 95 miles per hour.

"I'm not going anywhere!" he responds. He's sliding left and right in the same place. If he slows down, we'll slide all the way down the hill. So that's not an option. He speeds up, determined to make it over this hill.

In the white-out I can see something. It's a faint yellow light-no, two lights. The brightness is slowly but surely growing larger and larger.

My eyes widen. They're headlights. We're on the wrong side of the road. I lock my seat belt without thinking.

"JACK!!" I scream. He immediately swerves to the right. The ice causes the car to spin and we go off-road. Jack's car falls onto its side and I scream. We're rolling down the side of the hill. All the windows crack and some shatter completely. I shield my face from the sharp shards of glass flying everywhere. Jack clutches onto his seat and tightly shuts his eyes. Snow seeps in the broken windows and lands on me. It's freezing.

I catch a glimpse of a tree we're rolling towards and I shut my eyes, too. I swear, my heart skipped a beat. We crash into the tree and the car ends up upside-down. I keep my eyes shut. I'm too terrified to open them.

A/N: If you would like to leave a comment, go right ahead. I would love to hear your thoughts on this story. I'll get chapter five done and post it as soon as I can. I know, this chapter's short, but I think it's still good. What do you think?

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