Chapter 1: It all began

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"Brat! What the fuck is this!" A smack. "You call this 'enough money!?' this is pocket change for the poor!" Another smack. "You useless piece of shit! I didn't buy you for this!" A kick to the stomach. "I have no need for a useless slave like you! A blood slave no less! You can't even provide this!"

"M'-M' sorry! M-master!" A thick british accent broke out from the poor bastard the redhead was taking his drunken anger on.

"Shut up!" Cross. He grabbed the rusted boys hair and lifted him up, pulling the small boy up close to his face."I have no need for you. Got that. You're going back to shit faced Cosmo in the morning!"

Before even the slightest of protest from the boy, Cross The drunken bastard, tilted Red's head to the side and bit down on his neck. Red gasped in surprise and pain filled his body once more. His hands finding Cross's head and tried to pull him off to no avail. Cross growled and threw Red into a nearby wall, cracking it.

Cross walked away, not even caring if that killed the boy. He wasn't needed anyway. All he really needed was that small high the boys blood gave him. But other then that, he rather spend his time with fine wine and beautiful woman- but not as beautiful as himself of course.

It was only but a day later that Cross was out a blood slave and Red was back on the market. Red received a beating by Cosmo even though it's been 3 years since he last saw him. Nonetheless, the hate between the two of them was still strong. And that Cosmo still got the upper hand...damn him to hell.

Walking onto the platform, Red stepped up and squinted at the bright lights solely on him. It was making him hard to see who was in the crowd. Vampires of course, but that was beside that point. The question was how many.

'Heh, ma'be the' next ones 'ill kill me. Drain m' dry. Bloody hel' if they think i'll do what the'y say.' Red thought and a small smirk decorated his face.

"SOLD! TO THE GENTLEMAN IN THE BACK!" a booming voice echoed throughout the auction hall, bringing Red out of his thoughts.

"Come to the back after and he will be ready for you!" Cosmo yelled into the audience. Red was roughly pushed off the stage into the back to get 'ready' for his new master.

Two hours later the newly 'sold' boy found himself with a black eye and a few bruises.Unfortunately, for him no matter how many times he is told or beaten, he still doesn't listen. Red was about to receive another blow to his face for talking back, but it never came. Opening one eye and looking up a man with dark messy hair with gold gleaming eyes caught Cosmos wrist.

"Now, what do you think you're doing to my property?" a glare that could kill was sent Cosmos way.

'Maybe if 'e glares hard enough Cosmo will roll over n' die. Git deserves it.'

"Ah Mr.Campbell I was just showing your pet some manners. After all they shouldn't talk back. Especially this one, he is nothing but trouble." Cosmos received a glare by Campbell and Red.

"You should not decide what is best for what is mine. Thank you for that warning of yours, but I am going to ignore it like I ignore you. Now here." Campbell threw a bag filled with coins at Cosmo. "Take this and leave." Campbell took Red by the upper arm and lead him outside to a carriage that seemed to be waiting for them. His new master placed him inside the carriage and almost immediately after he got in, they were riding down the road. Away from that stuffy ass action house.

'Great another bloody Noble. Don't these wankers have anything else ta do?' Throughout that whole encounter Red stood there quite glaring at everyone and everything.

"So kid, That was a rough start. Don't you think? Sorry i had to grab you like that, but I wanted to get out of that place as soon as possible. And it had to look like I was treating you like property. Which is utter bullshit. Anyway! The names Neah D. Campbell!" Neah reached out his hand to shake Reds, but to only meet with a heated glare. "Was it something I sai-"

"M' don need ya to play nice with m' ya git! If ya bloody think dat m' gon' do what ya say think again!. Ya can just leave m' here! Ya probably lyin'' out of ya arse as ya speak! 'Is not like dat wasn't da first time dat git hit m' !" The small boy smacked Neahs hand away. A amused smile danced its way across Neahs face.

"Don't get the wrong idea kiddo. But I'm not letting you go and i'm not lying. In fact I'm trying to set you free in some sort of sense. You won't be a slave anymore but you will stay with me and my brother. When we arrive at my place I'll explain everything and you can meet him."

"And why da hell should I believe dat!? Ya might be lyin'' like da other lot of ya!" Red curled up in the corner of the carriage hugging his knees.

"And I might not be. Once everything is explained you might think otherwise."


Neah sighed and laid his head back against the chushin seat. "The ride is about 2 hours so stop being so tense and get some rest kiddo. Looks like you need it. Nothing will happen to you I promise." Neah looked back at the kid and realized that he was hiding his face and his body was shaking a bit. The kid was crying.

By the time the couple reached the mansion, both of them were asleep. It was only when the carriage stopped completely did Neah wake up. Neah looked at Red and saw that he finally stopped crying and fell asleep. After all he is still only a kid. Smiling lightly he picked him up and put him on his back. Mana will surely be surprised at this sight.

Neah ended up having to kick the front door open just to get in. He was greeted with Mana coming down the stairs with a book in hand.

"Welcome back Nia-Is that the kid!?" Mana ran the rest of the way down the stairs, forgetting about the book.

"Don't call me that! I found him at the auction. This is the kid you wanted right? He has that red arm. But he also got a nasty attitude, thick British accents to."

"What happened to his face?"

"Cosmo was 'teaching him a lesson' From what I learned Cosmo picked him up a few years ago and sold him to 3 other Vamps, on different occasions. They all returned him because they thought he was the devil's child. They say it was his arm, giving off bad vibes or some shit. Expect for the latest one who just got fed up with him. But i also heard that this kid also has some good tasting blood. So he was still a hefty price. Demon or not. Your lucky I happened to get a hold of him."

"Don't put him there you idiot! Put him in one of the rooms!" Mana hit Neah behind the head and pointed at Red.

While Neah was talking he had put Red on a couch in the living room and started walking away. Neah just whinnied in response and picked the boy back up. Mana and Neah walked up the stairs and took the sleeping boy into one of the many guest rooms. Neah laid him down.

"I haven't explained anything yet so I can bet you right now that this kid is going to start throwing a fit when he wakes up. That and that you dunno if he will accept that crazy offer of yours."

Mana shrugged; "It's worth a try Nia. I'll clean and patch the kid up, you go and eat something." Neah nodded and headed down stairs.

[Authors Note: Hi everyone~ Like I said this chapter was going to be longer. Next chapter might take me a bit to publish, due to school and what not. Things are going to start up in chapter 2. See you next time~

P.s. If you see grammar errors or misspelling please tell me so i can fix it!]

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