Chapter 2: The Explaintion

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A few hours passed since Neah and Red returned to the Campbell manor. Red's injuries have been taken care of, thanks to Mana. Well- most of them anyway. Currently Mana and Neah were talking quietly in Red's room, waiting for him to wake up.

Like a flash two pillows hit Mana's and Neah's face and the red headed child was already out the door and down the hall.



Mana and Neah ran after the boy. All they wanted to do was talk. Why did this have to be so hard already? Luckily for them Red has a poor sense of direction and manage to get himself lost in the mansion. It took awhile to track and calm him down, but they managed...surprisingly. All three of them were now in the living room eating sweets.

"So aside from that interesting start's your face? It looks painful." Mana said to break the small silence since they begin eating.

"Ya patched it up?" a nod. "M' fine, doesn't hurt."

"That's good. You already met Neah, I'm Mana Walker, Nia's old-"


"-er brother. To make things short: I want to adopt you."


"YA WHAT!?!?" Red jumped up on the chair he was sitting on.

"I want to adopt you. Sit back down before you hurt yourself and I start explaining." Red slowly sat back down trying to process what he just heard. Neah just sat there laughing quietly.

"We've been looking around for you for years. Recently we found out that you were in the Vamp Trade and unfortunately we had to buy you. As you may have had notice were both are Vamps as well." Both of them turned their eyes red and sharpen their fangs, before reverting back. Red just glared daggers at them and further away from them both.


"Let me finish. As I was saying, since I want to adopt you their has to be some rules and what not. You get to be free. No more Cosmo and no more bad vamps. You get to live here with freedom, food, protection from the others who want your blood, and that whole shabang. But in return all we ask is for you is to give us some of your blood here and there. We still need to feed time and time again after all. And we will only do it to your consent."

Red just stared at the two brothers with the 'what-the-fuck' face along with the 'you're-fucking-crazy' face.

After all, who in the right mind would do that? The answer- no one sane.

"Y-you're bloody crazy! Da both of ya! Why da hell do ya want me!? Ain't ya afraid of m' arm! M' curse ya know!" Neah bursted out in laughter. Mana just gave Neah a look that said 'shut the hell up before I slam your face in' before returning his vision back at Red.

"It's your choice." Mana said before Neah spoke up.

"Listen kiddo, we don't care about your arm. So what if it's red, it's still a hand. We can help with making it move. And that demon crap? Who cares, we're more powerful than any demon it there." Neah just shrugged it off like it was nothing and gave Red a cocky grin.

Red looked at the ground and actually seemed to take the offer into account. Slowly in a small shock on what the two brothers had said. The youth slowly shook his head. Mana jumped up and give a Red a big bear hug. The younger boy gave a yelp and tried to get out of his grasp. Meanwhile Neah was in shock that this rude boy he picked up a few hours prior actually said yes. And was wondering if his shitty 'encouragement' about his arm had a say in his decision.

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