Wolf Man

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Finally a new story!!

Sorry that i haven't posted in a while, but I'm quite busy with moving and stuff.

xx Lottie

Stiles' life have never been easy, actually it's always been quite the opposite of easy. But lately, everything have been a tat harder than usual. Scott, his best friend through out his whole life, got a girlfriend, and therefore spends all his time with her, meaning Stiles never sees Scott anymore. Stiles is sure that he doesn't even exist in Scott's world anymore.

On top of that, he never sees his dad anymore either, since he's always working at the station. Even on days he shouldn't. And if he's not working, he's in his room sleeping or drinking, and stiles have leaned not to disturb him, the hard way. Last time he went to wake up his dad, Stiles ended up with a bruised eye.

He still remembers as it was yesterday. Stiles just wanted to check up on his dad, and wanted to ask if he wanted dinner, but all Stiles got was an angry response. And when he asked him again, cause he didn't hear what he said, she sheriff got up from his bed, punches Stiles hard in his eye, slammed him against the door and said "leave me alone you piece of shit!". And Stiles did. He did leave him alone. Basically didn't speak to him since, and that was about 4 weeks ago.

And then there's school, Stiles is doing great, his grades are always the best they can be. And he used to love school, but not so much anymore, he have been skipping a lot lately, usually just showing up if he knows there's something important happening, like a test or something.

And lacrosse, he's always on the bench, and doesn't mind it anymore, I mean, then he can relax there. But then he goes home to an empty house, and he can't relax again.

But one day when things gets too much, feels like escaping it all, he goes to the woods. They're not that far away from where he lives, so he doesn't even bother taking the jeep. He walks around the woods for a while, maybe even hours.

It's suddenly starting to get dark outside, but he can't bring himself to go home, he doesn't want to go home and know he's alone again. So he sits down on the ground, against a tree.

When he's been sitting there for about 30 minutes, he hears a loud howl, very close to him, but so far away he can't see what made it. And even though he's scared of whatever that thing is, and if it comes closer and maybe even kill him, he still can't find it In himself to get up.

Then he starts thinking, what if he dies, would anyone even notice. Would anyone miss him at all. Cause lately no one have talked to him, and Stiles didn't talk to anyone. No one seemed to notice that he was around, no one cared.

Suddenly, while stiles was thinking too hard to notice anything around him, a black wolf stood in front of him. He gasps when he looks at it's eyes. They're glowing a beautiful blue color. The wolf just looks at him, not doing anything, and doesn't look like it's gonna hurt him. "Okay, Big Guy. Please don't hurt me." He says, because maybe it'll work, who knows.
The wolf steps closer to stiles, it's face right in front of him, he can feel it's breath against his face, and to say that Stiles is scared, it's an understatement. "Please don't hurt me. I really don't feel like getting killed right now, I kinda wanna live right now."

Then the wolf takes a step back, and something incredible and terrifying happens. He could suddenly hear its bones breaking and moving, and it's fur disappearing and turning into skin, and suddenly, right before him stands a very naked, very hot guy.

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