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Always here for me
Always there
Always filled with compassion and care
Can't fathom your mind
Too pure for me to understand
To the worlds evil you are blind
As if impure thoughts are banned

Though innocents is often irritating
To you it is fitting
As if the world can't touch you
Strong and brave never shifting

There through thick and thin
Convinced me to love, not damage my skin
The darkness is thick
Sometimes I can barely see
Feels like I'm falling
But you always seemed to catch me

To be honest though the darkness is getting darker
And your reach seems to be getting farther
Am I losing the purity I love most
Am I soon going to be as good as a ghost
Selfish, impure, insecure to the core
Your purity gave me the courage to roar

Stuck in my own thoughts
Like a prison I don't want to be in anymore
Though it seemed like a sanctuary before
But you opened my eyes
What type of sanctuary makes you miserable inside

Like black blood seeping into my skin
Felt like madness was creeping in
Thought you had saved me
But that's the true beauty of madness you see
It is never truly gone from within
Once you let it win.

So once again I ask of you
To hold me like your most dear
To show me your love, compassion and care
I am a selfish being
For me to need anything just once really is rare
So I hope it's no bother
But I need my sister to be with me again

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