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Death. Death is inevitable; whether you like it or not. You could die at any given time - when you're reading your favourite book or when your watching a TV show. People say; live life to the fullest, because you'll never know when it will end. I guess it goes to show that you really shouldn't take advantage of who you are, and how long you'll live, because it could be ripped from you at any given moment.

Juliet Rodriguez-Mikaelson was a 25 year old girl who felt too much. She loved too much; she indulged too much. Though she was a brave soldier, she was the epitome of naive when it came to the supernatural world - perhaps hoping that vampires weren't as bad as people thought.

Kol wasn't a good man, everyone knew that, but somehow, she had managed to make him see life in a different way than he always did. He always put his feelings before anyone else's, he was selfish that way, and he was, well, Kol, that way. But around Juliet, he knew when to give in - when to stop, when to apologise, when to not overstep his bounds.

The year he had spent with the Rodriguez-Mikaelson girl was more love than anybody had given him; and Juliet understood him that nobody else could. Losing someone you love, was like losing a limb. Your entire body was there; but you still feel that missing piece - the ache in your bones when you think of that one missing link that kept you whole.

Juliet's dying was the one that did it for him.

Seeing her in Klaus' arms, bleeding out with only a few seconds left. She had gasped out incoherent words, barely able to form sentences as she lay in the hybrid's lap. Klaus had begged her to take some of his blood - anything, to keep her alive, but she pushed his wrist away and told him how nobody could cheat death.

Not even men that were deemed immortal.

Juliet Rodriguez-Mikaelson accepted Death with open arms, greeted him like they were old friends, and when her life finally left her eyes, Kol was too late - and she was already gone. He remembered the way he clutched her frail body against his chest, cursing every name on the world, cursing God himself for taking her away from him.

And for the first time, Kol wept - he cried for her, he cried for Rosa, for Rebekah, for Elijah, for everybody who meant something to her; and most importantly, himself. He had held her lifeless body in his arms, shakily pressing his lips against her forehead as he rocked himself back and forth.

He was inconsolable, so angry. He refused help from Elijah and when Stefan attempted to take Juliet's body away from him he threatened to bite the younger vampire. He refused to let Juliet out of his sight again, may it be that she was dead.

"Please come back," he sobbed, pushing her hair back. "Please come back to me."

"She saved my life," Klaus said quietly, trying to hide his tears. "Took out the werewolves like a pro - she wouldn't let me heal her, Kol. I'm sorry."

"I know." the brunette man replied, but refusing to look away from his dead wife.

The words I love you were used quite frequently for the couple, and he couldn't stop crying - not even when Rebekah came when Rosa was clutching onto her, both women unable to conceal their sobs.

"I'm sorry," Rebekah whispered, crouching down to press the palm of her hand against Juliet's forehead. Her skin had already turned a sickly pale and cold. "I'm sorry."

And for the first time - Kol Mikaelson felt completely; and utterly vulnerable.

A/N: have to admit, I did cry while writing this! Please comment to tell me what you think.

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