Personal Update (again...sorry!)

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Ooookay so it's been months and I feel absolutely terrible. 

To cut the long story short, I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (3-4 months ago, around the time I last updated this book). Since then, I've been trying so hard to write some chapters, but I'm struggling to "get the words" out of my head. To explain:

Idk how familiar people are with the disorder but malnutrition has made my brain so exhausted that I fall asleep without meaning too (almost all the time); concentration just doesn't work. When I'm awake, all I can think about it weight loss/gain, food, skip or eat meals, stressing about not exercising - the list goes on, but I won't drag on. Because of it all, I've been unable to sit down and write anything (including university assignments).

But I am going okay. I'm seeing a doctor, dietitian and psychologist. My food intake has increased so naturally, I'm starting to get my brain power back. 

Once I feel able to write some decent chapters, I'll post them ASAP <3

Thank you to everyone who's been reading, commenting etc.! I see the comments and my face lights up so much, and White Rose almost has 100K reads?! Holy crap. That's incredible, so I promise to write when I can actually drag some words onto a word document aha. 

Again, thank you!!

- Bec xx

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