Chapter 11

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Ross Pov

I watch our mate fall asleep. I never let go of him and neither did Richard. Ryan sat there watching Jacky sleep.

"You two watch over him. I have to speak with the pack and work on paperwork." Ryan says getting up.

"You sure you don't need our help Ryan?" Richard asks.

"No, but beware if I give you new or added on Alpha roles and work. Plus paperwork on a new Beta."

"What about the Omega's?" I asked.

"Test them out, see if they were truly Omega's. If not we can give them a higher rank. If so we can help them find their mate."

"What if two Omega's are paired together?" Richard asks.

"Then we shall give all necessary needs they ask for like food, education, warmth, clothing, showers, and a job. Plus paying them ourselves on their work here in the pack house."

Richard and I nod agreeing to the idea. It's perfect, are Luna will love the new rule. Ryan left the room after kissing our mate on the top of his head. As he left, the door closed with a small click that woke up our mate with a fright.

"Wow, calm there. No one else is here. We got you princess." I say trying to calm him down while rubbing his back.

Jack's breathing starts to slow down and he hides his face in my chest. 

"I thought this was all a dream." Jack whispers so low that I barley heard him.

I pulled him away from my chest softly. "And why's that?"

"Because I'm an Omega. Everyone hates Omegas. We're punching bags waiting for are mates to reject us. Waiting slowly and painfully for death." He explains.

"Well we won't reject you. Your perfect. May I ask why you think this?" I question him worried.

"A former Omega friend of mine...died from rejection. I heard the day after she died that her mate died as well. She was always being hurt and used as a punching bag like the rest of us." He explains.

I do remember a hunter dying slow and painfully. He told me to never reject anyone that's my mate. Ever sense he died Ryan made that rule that if you reject your mate, you are no longer part of our pack. Plus any mate that is rejected is supported and showered in love until they get a second mate or death.

"Well Jack, we won't ever, and I mean ever abandon or reject you. You're our mate and we love you no matter what." I reassured him.


"No problem." I said.

"Now I bet you are pretty hungry cupcake. Let's go downstairs and feed ya." Richard says.

Jack nods and sits up while Richard and I get out of bed. I pick up Jack and carry him bridal style out the door that Richard is opening for me. We walked downstairs and grabbed boxes of cereal, milk, and bowl's.

I sit down at the table with Jack in my lap. Richard pours a bowl of cereal and gives it to Jack before getting two others for us. We watched him eat, he munched and downed the food like he hasn't eaten before. Once he finished, nothing was left in the bowl. It was completely spotless. 

"Gezz have you eaten before?" Richard asks shocked that even his time eating, which was fast, was beaten.

"Omega's didn't get feed often, especially ones that got into trouble." Jack explains. 

I started getting worried, "How often did they feed you? When was the last time you ate?" Ryan asks getting angry as he walks into the room. 

"They only fed us once every three days. Troubled ones don't get fed, and the last time I ate was a week ago." Jack sinks back against me and balls up scared.

Ryan comes up to me furious and grabs Jack out of my arms and hugs him. Richard and I stand up and join them as well. We also see happy tears fall from Jacks eyes. 

~ Well that is Chapter 11, I hope you guys like it. Vote, comment and follow.... or not.. be a rebel. Ill see ya later  

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