Chapter 1: The mission

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"Captain I'm sorry but-"

"No that is absurd!" The brunette stood up as he was furious at hearing the news about Carina's existence.

"Seto!" Atem entered the room as the soldier stood straight showing their respects.

"You are dismissed" Seto spoke with a cold tone as he stood looking out the window feeling overwhelmed.

"How is that possible!? I thought she was no longer alive!" Seto sighed and looked at Atem.

"I thought so too but looks like we thought wrong"

Atem just sighed heavily as he knew this was really bad news. Not only for them but for the soldiers as well.

"The worst thing is I have received a report that was made from missing soldiers. Luckily my men were able to find one of the soldiers and it seems he was injured badly. Not only was he injured but he also described the individual in which turns out to be Carina"

"The hell!!" Atem grew furious as he disliked the situation.

"We have to eliminate her quickly before things get worst" Seto took out a blueprint in which was the plan that was made by Yugi for us to follow in order to attack.

"Fine then. I will speak with my men and make sure they are well trained and prepared" Atem looked at Seto as he was ready for this.

"Hold on. Joey is on your watch right?"

"Yes," Atem was curious to where Seto was going with this.

"Don't take Joey on this mission. In fact, don't say a word to him about it neither" Seto saw the look Atem made, in which was a look of 'why not'.

"Seto I know you're concerned over him and his safety but-"

"Atem please just don't take him with you" Atem only nodded as he understood.

"Alright then" As Atem walked out Seto sighed and knew it was going to be tuff to convince Joey to stay behind.

Later that day Joey overheard the conversion two soldiers had and as he overheard there conversation he found out it was about a mission in which he grew curious about why he wasn't chosen. Joey then headed straight to Seto's office and without a single knock, he entered his office.

"What's this mission everyone is talking about? Why didn't I get selected?" Joey gave Seto a glare and Seto just gave him a cold glare as in saying 'Are you serious right now'.

"You're not going on that mission and that's final" Joey looked at Seto agitated and walked out of the room.

"If you think, I will be staying behind you are mistaken," Joey said to himself as he headed to his room.

The day went by quick and as night came Joey overheard Atem's conversation with Yugi and apparently, they will be leaving tomorrow as they will begin there search. Joey then grinned and quietly walked over towards the training room as he had a few items stored in there secretly. He pulled his two guns and bullets placing them in small pockets that his belt had. As soon as he had his things settled he headed back to his room as he knew he needed rest for the big day tomorrow.

The next day...

"Atem you have your intercom right" Yugi spoke with a worried look as he knew the whole mission was based on Carina.

"Yes, I do. Yugi calm down everything will be alright. I'm just glad you aren't coming with or else I wouldn't be able to concentrate on this mission at all" Atem smiled and kissed Yugi's head as Yugi only smiled and hoped everything goes well.

As everyone started getting things prepared for the mission Joey entered one of the boxes in which was being taken with on the mission.

"Man, did you hear about Joey Wheeler?" One of the soldiers came close lifting one end.

"Yeah.. it sucks he isn't coming with. I don't understand though like he is one of the best out of us all"

As both soldiers lifted the box, Joey couldn't help but start to grow annoyance as he hated the fact that Seto made him stay behind without telling him the reason why. As Joey felt movement the movement suddenly stopped as he knew that he was placed on one of the cars. The car in which Joey was in then started up as they were now on there way towards the location they were ordered to watch over.

A couple of hours later...

Everyone was at there assigned spots laying low as they watched over a small camp. Joey was on a branch of a tree with binoculars as he looked around the camp till his eyes met with Carina. His eyes then widened as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"She's still alive.." Joey whispered until suddenly a missile was shot towards the tree he was at causing him to fall off of the branch.

"Ow.." Joey slowly got up and as he did he started to limp.

"Joey?" Joey's eyes widened as he knew exactly whose voice that was.

I slowly turned and looked at the brunette avoiding eye contact with him.

"I didn't think you were going to be on this mission.." Joey stood straight not showing any pain in his ankle.

"Joey you disobeyed me. I clearly told you to not come along the mission!" the brunette tried not to raise his voice till he noticed tree branches on the ground and the hole on the tree in which the missile was aimed at.

"Why huh!? Is it because of Carina! Is this mission based on-"

Before Joey finished his sentence he was interrupted by gunshots that could be heard from a mile away.

"Joey come with me!" the brunette grabbed Joey and as he did he saw the painful expression Joey put on. "You sprained your ankle didn't you?"

Joey looked away without giving an answer and it was clearly obvious that Joey did sprain his ankle. Luckily for Joey, the brunette (aka Seto) had some bandages and a specialized cream.

"Sit on that rock over there" Seto pointed towards a big rock that was by a tree and Joey just nodded and did what he was told. Once done Seto rubbed the specialized cream on his ankle then wrapped the bandage making sure it was placed well.

"Seto!" Joey quickly looked over and saw one of the soldiers come running towards them as his clothes were filled with blood.

"Damn. What happened!?" Seto stood straight and looked at Joey then back at the soldier.

"Our men have been injured and a couple of them say that Carina has set up many men to go after Atem and his men! They are planning on taking Atem to use him as a target for you to surrender towards them!"

"We have to go to him then!" Joey stood up and before he ran off, Seto kept a good grip on him.

"Come with us and Joey your not leaving out of my sight. Understood!" Seto placed an intercom on Joey's ear so they could have contact no matter how distant they were from each other.

"Wait through this intercom I can speak to Yugi right?" Seto nodded and gave a confused look to why he had asked.

"Good cause i have a plan"

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