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sidenote: so guys my computer has been acking crazy so some forgive me if something looks crazy or just asked me


when the plane landed I turn my phone back on hopping Cyn had called still nothing but I a text from Michael back let him no what's going on in to be able to go to anymore gigs until I find out where Cyn is...because I came so early I had to rent a car the first place I went was home when I open the door I drop my begs and go run throw the house calling her name...Cyn...Cyn....baby...CYNTHIA...nothing when I get to our bedroom I fined a letter with my name....it was from Cyn I took a deep breath and opened the letter....

Dear Queen Erica

the first time I meet u I thoughwhowomenbabywhenuwalkedintheroomIcouldn'tkeepmyeyesoffubutIhadaboyfriendsoIjust didnt worryaboutbecauseIwouldneverseeuagainbutthenyourbirthdaycameandthereuwasutookmybreathawayu...thenafewdayspassthenustartedtoshowupatmyjobtryingtohitonmeIwassaywhoisthiscrazywomenkeephittingmeItoldherI dont womenbutInewmyheartbeforeIdid...webecamefriendfastandfeelinlovefasterIustothinkitwasagoodthingtolovesomeonesofastwhenuonlyknewthemforayear..the dayuasked me tobeyourwifewasbehappiestdayofmylifebutthenwegotpregnantandMannycamealongwehadafamily.  we was happy but all that changes when i got those pictures in the mail how could do this to me when u say u love me....IthoughthatwouldbeenoughforusforuwhenIgaveumyheartupromised methatuwant break itagainbutIguessIwasstupidforbelieveing u again...babyIloveu with allthatIhavebutIjustthinkthat our lovewasn'tenough...Iloveubutamdone...

what the hell is she talking about with pictures...I just set there reading the letter her words over and over again...what the hell could been in the picture to make her want to leave me...I went to check her dresser nothing all her cloths in the cloths gone where the hell could she be...Gina...she grabs her keys and head over to Gina house...when I pulled up at Gina house I run to the door....GINA OPEN THE DOOR IT ME ERICA.....

G: E what's wrong...she rush pass Gina and goes in the house

E: Cyn...baby...I know she have to be here....CYNTHIA...I felt like my world was spin I feel to the grown

G: Erica what happened....where is Cyn

E: I don't no...i though she was here again..

G:no we been gone for the weekend...what happened

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