Chapter 10

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cyn and I had an amazing night last night the next morning we was had to some business for Helping Hands. when cyn and I was getting ready there was a knock at the door.

C: I'll get it...hold on yea

K: Cyn...

C: King what are you doing here and who walked you here

Erica Mom: am right here baby...

C: hey mama...I lean in hug her

Erica mom: hey babe...where is your wife?

C: in the mirror like always

Erica mom: taking pictures...

C: you no it...

Erica mom: that's my baby

C: well come on in...I step aside to let them in King runs to the bathroom and hugs Erica

E: hey my baby...I put my flat iron down and kiss my King

K: hey mom...I look down and starts to play with her necklaces

E: what...what do u want

K: nothing...

E: yes u do...everytime he want something he get to giggle he so goofy

K: okay I wan wanted to know if I can come to work with you and Cyn today.

E: sure you can come with me...he jumps out my arms

K: yes....Cyn!!!! guess what?

C: what my love...I love his smile

K: mama said I can come to work with u and her today...

C: oh really

E: yes he is but he has to behave....

C: that want be a problem will it...I pick him up and throw him on there bed and start tickling him...are you going to behave

E: oh they go bye mama see u later I walk mama to the door kiss her bye...okay u too time to go. they was so busy playing they didn't hear me. GUYS!!!

I guess I have to kids know


after about 10 more minutes of playing we leave out and go to the villages to meet a family we was going to be helping out. when we meet them people we release they was all family that live and this little house and they seem so happy. they was so nice to us welcoming us in we end up spend the hold day with them. by the time we left and make it back to the room King was knocked out.

* Erica and Cyn whispering so they don't wake King*

E: we get out the car and head to them door...Cyn pick up sleeping King so baby I have a question...

C: yea..she opens the door and I lay King down on the bed

E: so you know how tonight is our last night here

C: yes what about it...she lays next to King in bed

E: I was thinking we could go tonight and celebrate

C: babe...what are we celebrate tonight

E: you...I lean and kiss her

C: babe this weekend is about u babe I don't want need anything

E: I know and you did so much for me and want to take you out to thank u...

C: well thank you babe but...

E: Cyn I just want to take you out to thank you for my amazing weekend to show u I love u

C: babe I don't need that u becoming my wife is all the thanks I need.

E: but babe I just wanted to do this for u...come here...I pull her out of bed

C: yes queen Erica...

E: Cyn I want to go out

C: Erica I would be happier just chilling with you and King all night watching moves this is your weekend

E: I know and for my last night I want to take my fiance out and show her off...I pull her into me looking her and the eyes

C: fine....whatever you want baby we kiss and then get ready.

Erica I call Lisa and she brings King to her room we kiss him bye and head out to dinner. so do you like it

C: I love it here it so beautiful here am really happy.

E: that's all I want that's why I brought u here to thank u for taken care of me this weekend.

C: baby you are welcome I love taken care of you because you are always running around taken care of everybody else so it nice to be taken care of sometimes.

E: well thank u for that and for bring the family down so we can be together. we haven't been together and so long for my birthday

C: well are welcome I was just taken care of my wife...she smiles at me


the waiter brings us our food the rest of the dinner goes great until we was leaving out. I pay the bill grab Cyn hand we turn to leave out when...

C: thank u babe for dinner...I grab her face and kiss her

Rich:hey Mena

E: what the hell

R: nice to see u again

E: oh hello Rich

R: hey Mena how have you been

C: she's great...I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to me

R: nobody was talking to u bird

C: well u are talking to my wife...Erica looks at me and smile

R: whatever u just the side check

E: no she not...I pulled Cyn hand out and show him her ring...this is my fiance

R: FUCK that she not going to marry you she going to come back to daddy

E: no am not...RICH I DONT WANT YOUR ASS....when was yelling at Rich some chick comes up from behind him

R: oh happy baby...kissing her hand Mena did I like u to meet my wife....

hope u guys like the new chapter and try to stat getting them out early like this so leave ur comments and vote tell what think Rich name should be because  I have no ideal what to name her

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