Chapter VI

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I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.

No matter how many times you repeat that it won't make a difference...

"That's what they all say when they want me to shut up," I said sternly and turned away from him. I didn't want him getting to close to me. I know he's a vampire. What more do I have to say? Urg!! I'm like a broken record! That's it from now on, if I talk about our trust, the one between Răzvan and me I am going to hit myself.

"So I'm not the only one who wants you to shut up?" he asked trying to hide a laugh, and I must say unsuccessfully. I rolled my eyes and walked forward leaving him behind.

I never liked airports. They are plain and they don't give me good vibes. I mean they check your entire luggage and make you walk through this portal like thingy to make sure you're not a terrorist. What happens if the bad guys make it through? And you're plane is attacked and another 'Twin Tower Incident' happens? It scares me to death.

All you hear are the clanks of prissy woman in there black stilettos pretending to be important and in a hurry to get men to look at them. Pathetic. How can you feel great in an airport? You can't! That's how!

Scratch that.

Two kids run passed me startling me. The siblings, it seemed, ran laughing towards a man and a woman.

"Mommy," said the little girl, she reminded me of Melissa –gosh I miss her already- she had blond hair and the same emerald green eyes. "When are we leaving?"

"Soon baby," she assured her, "Soon." The woman was tall and rounded in the hip/butt area. She was very beautiful. She was blonde just like her daughter and the same brown eyes that her son had. She had a special sparkle in her eyes. Wow! Just by looking at her, you knew she was confident and ready for anything. Then I looked over at her companion, husband probably, and I realized that he was the reason for the sparkle. Sigh. I want that. I want to have a life like hers...

Let's go. He sounded aggravated. We have to get on the plane.

"We haven't even gone through checking yet." I said moving my attention towards Răzvan. He took my hand and quickly tugged me along. He was practically dragging me away.

"I thought you said you wouldn't ask impertinent questions," he said hiding all emotion. I didn't like it when he was like that. We then walked towards our flight.

"Do you realize how long this flight is?" I asked him. "It's going to take SO long!"

I'm dreading it already.

Ha, Ha. Very funny! I thought hoping that he'd hear me. He laughed which confirmed it.

"How long is the flight again?" I asked him, tired just thinking about it. What can happen on a plane? Nothing. Well, nothing besides another 9/11. Bless their souls. My mom always said that...

"The time matters not," he said speaking to me as if he were the all powerful Jedi Master Yoda. "It's the destination and arriving in one piece."

"Do I sense fear in that tone?" I asked excitedly. I wanted to know what Răzvan was afraid of. He could scare me. Actually, I can bet that he could scare me with a rubber duck – which is dang hard to do.

Do you want to sense it in your own?

Even though he only thought it, it still sent a shiver down my spine. He is so off-putting and worst of all he knows it and likes it.

Răzvan was laughing.

"What now?" I asked annoyed. Actually, he's probably annoyed with me and my mood swings. I don't know how people put up with me, it's amazing, actually.

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