Chapter V

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I sat in the passenger seat of my car, we had left Răzvan's at my house, he hadn't thought it would be safe to take his. It made me sad, leaving this place. It was home. It was where all my memories with my parents were kept locked inside. I was leaving, leaving for...What?

"Why I am leaving with you!" I asked loudly. I was sort of angry, well really angry, depending on your view of it.

Răzvan was also angry. I could tell. I could feel it. The car, once driving at a descent speed, now rushed down the highway. I shut the car windows, the air hitting my face at that speed and force, stopped me from breathing. I hate that feeling. I used to get it with my dad. He never liked the air-conditioning systems in cars, so we used the windows no matter how faster or how hot it was outside.

"Stacy," he growled with rage, "I swear I'll hurt you if you don't shut it."

An image of me on the ground with blood around me flooded my mind. My black hair now a dark reddish maroon, my skin now pale white and cold heated only by the pool around me. My white dress no longer shown bright in the sun like it had before, it was now scarlet. I then saw Răzvan standing over the body. He got up. His mouth was covered in blood, he liked his lips winked at me – the me watching, not the one on the ground- and then walked away into the darkness

I was petrified. I looked over at Răzvan, he was snickering. He must have seen that look on my face. I was peeved. How could he do that?

His face then became serious again: "I won't do that, unless you make this way to difficult. You are leaving because the men in the park, the ones who attacked me, are after you. They want to capture you and..."

"And what?" I asked eagerly, not too eagerly though, I was also a little afraid. His dark eyes looked up at me as he shook his head.

Not important, you're safe now.

The ride was quiet after that. I sat there staring out at my window, the trees waving at us as we left town. The time seemed to pass quickly as I thought about Răzvan. Why was he able to send messages into my mind? How come I couldn't send him messages? Why can't I read his thoughts, like he reads mine?

Concentrate, I told myself. Răzvan, only Răzvan. I tried and tried. I could feel my head hurting from the effort. I had never used this part of my mind before. It was going to have to get some getting used to.

I don't know when or how, but soon I could get glimpses of what he was thinking.


I tried not to panic when this happened. My name! He was thinking about me. I listened some more, but the signal was somehow lost.

Kill! How can I kill...?

Okay, maybe it's time to panic. Kill. Kill! Who was he going to kill? Me? I clutched my hand around the chairs soft handle. I was worried. As much as my heart told me that I could trust him, my mind has been screaming louder and louder to just walk away and leave this...this madness. How am I a part of it? I don't like not being trusted.

Răzvan's head then turned to me. He stopped the car and sat outside. I didn't understand why?

The blood...

Huh? I looked down at my right arm. I had been squeezing my nails deep into my skin and not the chair. I saw the blood streaming down like rain drops on a window. I just stared at it, the blood I mean. It seemed so...beautiful. The color so red, it was almost in some ways magical. I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful. I wanted to stick my fingers in deeper, to see more, to see more of myself.

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