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"Seriously you can't even wash a plate without almost breaking it what the fuvk is wrong with you," Hoon yelled glaring at M. What he didn't expect was for M to cry. In seconds M had broken down into a crying mess. Hoon sat there in shock seeing the most calm member turn into a mess. Hoon didn't know what to do. He stood there still and unmoving. It took a few minutes for M to calm down but by the time he looked at Hoon there was no trace of emotion. His stone cold facade was up and it wasn't coming down anytime soon.


Hoon quickly tried apologizing but M just ignored him and finished washing the final dishes. With out another word M left while staring at anything but Hoon. Kim soon walked in concerned as to why there was yelling. He came in to find Hoon slumped up against the kitten table in the corner with a shocked expression and M nowhere to be found.

"What happened, is everyone ok?"

"Joesonghamnida hyung," Hoon said. He got up and walked into his and Minhyuk's room which was across the hall. Kim stood there confused as to why his dongsaeng was sorry. Neon walked it to find Kim still standing their is a state of confusion. As she hit him across the head he quickly looked up.

"Oi, stop it, that actually hurt," he said while slightly pouting. She just smiled and continued to walk past him until he caught he wrist and spun her around.


"Can you help with the M and Hoon situation?"

"How exactly should I help?"

"Tell Belle to talk to Hoon and Eyey to talk to M," Kim said.

"How is that going to help?"

"Just trust me, ok?" Kim said as he looked her straight in the eye.

"Fine," Neon said sighing. Kim's eyes followed her as she walked away, smiling fondly of his "assistant leader". She'd probably kill him if she heard what he just called her.

"BELLE, EYEY GET YOUR A**ES OVER HERE RIGHT NOW." The two came rushing in, worried the they did something wrong. Soon relaxing when Neon smiled at them.

"Belle can you please talk to Hoon about him and M," Neon said before looking over to Eyey," Can you talk to M please and try to calm him down."

"What happened?" Belle questioned, looking concerned about the situation.

"They're in a fight and we need to try and get them to talk again, arraeseo?"

"Ne," they answered.

"Get some sleep and talk to them tomorrow since it's pretty late."

~ Next Day ~

They were walking down the hall to the room where the meeting would take place.

"Hoon oppa can we talk?"

"Um... yeah what is it?"

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