Signs As minor inconveniences

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Aries: Tossing trash at the garbage can and missing, then having to go pick it up

Taurus: When ice cream melts onto your hands and they get all sticky

Gemini: When you pour your cereal only to realize you're out of milk

Cancer: Slighty shifting your weight in bed and having your fitted sheets come undone

Leo: Burning your tongue on something when you're really hungry

Virgo: When your power goes out and your digital clocks all reset

Libra: Getting comfortable on the couch and then not being able to reach the remote

Scorpio: When your earbuds get caught and violently get yanked out of your ear (if this ain't me idk what is)

Sagittarius: Repeatedly misspelling your password

Capricorn: Having your arms full when you need to open a door

Aquarius: Walking down a hallway with squeaky shoes after coming in from the rain

Pisces: Walking into a room and forgetting what you were about to do

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