Chapter 6

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We fell asleep around 2am we were catching up on what we had missed.

*The next morning*

"Good morning Alex! Get up we going to school!" Edwin said as he opened the window

"Ahh but my school is one hour ago" I said as I got up

He took out and outfit and said

"You're getting transferred today" his face light up as he said those words I got up and grabbed a random outfit.

Black ripped jeans , black T-shirt, Black vans,  a red flannel around my waist,and a black beanie.

I walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen.

"Alex do you want breakfast?" I aunt asked as we made eye contact.

"No, I don't eat breakfast but thank you auntie" I hugged her and waited for Edwin to be ready.

I checked my phone and saw 7 missed calls 5 voicemails and 12 messages All from my mother.

You have 5 voicemails would you like to listen to them?

"Sweetie come back home"

Next voicemail

"Alex please answer I'm worried"

Next voicemail

"Alex it's Dina please come back home"

Next voicemail

"Alex where are you!? "

Next voicemail mail

"Are you ok?"

I opened my messages and saw how worried my mother was .

"I guess I should call her" I said to myself. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

*Phone call*

Alex: Hello?

Mother: Alex sweetie!

Alex: hello mother

Mother: Are you ok come back home

Alex: No stop asking if me to do that

Mother: Why you need to come back

Alex: No I don't he kicked me out and you didn't stop him don't ask for me to come back I'm fine here I'm finally happy being in a home where no one drinks or insult each other.

Mother: Alex please

Alex: Goodbye mother.

*End of phone call*

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks I missed her but she didn't protect me.

"Alex are you ready?" I heard Edwin walking down the stairs so I wiped,the tears away and have give a smile

"Yes, how do I look?" I asked . My face was red but he didn't say anything.

"Looking good Alex" We both laughed and walked, out.

"Edwin I need to tell you something" I said as I looked at him.

"What's up Alex?" He said as he made eye contact with me.

"I'm not very social i actually didn't have any friends in my old school" I said as I looked away and blushed.

He laughed and hugged me .

"It's ok I'll get you some friends and maybe even a partner" He smirked as I punched him on the arm.

*At school*

We walked in and went straight to the office.

"Hello, I'm here to get my cousins schedule we did the transfer yesterday online" he said .

"Alex gray right?" The lady asked

"Yes , him also can we get a map of the school?" A couple minutes later and we had all the paperwork.

"Alex you have 5 out of 6 classes with me we getting lit" he said as we walked to out first class.

1st period: Science
2nd period: Health
3rd Period: Intermediate Art
First lunch
4th period: Algebra
5th period: World geo
6th period: English

I handed my schedule to the teacher so she could sign it.

"Ok, Alex there's an empty sit next to Edwin." Edwin smirked which made me laugh.

First class and people wear already looking and me weird it was probably the bandages on my wrist. I wrote down all the notes and tried to to think too much about what happened this morning.

The bell ringed. And I walked to my next class which was health but I didn't have this class with Edwin so I was alone.

Once again I gave my teacher my schedule to sign it.

"Ok , Alex you can sit anywhere you want" the teacher said

I decided to sit in the back where there was only one person a good looking guy. He smiled at me I looked down and blushed.

"Hey, what's your name?" He asked me.

"Umm my n-name is Alex gray" I said.

"I like you name , my name is Issac" He said with a big smile.

"Nice to meet you Issac" I said as I smiled back.

"Issac please give yesterday notes to Alex" the teacher said.

He gave me all the notes. The smile on his face never faded. He had blue eyes in which I got lost so many times. They looked like the ocean so deep I would get lost so many times so deep I would drown so deep that it would make me fall in love.

*End of second period*

I headed to Art as I walked in Edwin was already waiting for me.

"Don't worry the teacher already singed you in no need to give her your schedule" he put his arm around me and walked me to the sit next to his.

"Ok class we have a. New student please be kind would you like to introduce yourself?"

"umm my name is Alex gray I'm 17 years old I'm Edwin's cousin and I live with him umm I like do draw I like quotes and my birthday is on May 25" I said as I blushed.

We started our art project which was just shading something i mastered in 5th grade.

After class we headed to lunch. I sat with Edwin. I looked at my phone and saw missed calls from my mother I didn't care I just ignored them.

"Alex I'm going to introduce you to some of my friends" Edwin said as he smiled.

A couple seconds later and his friends sat in front of us. The one person I didn't expect was his best friend.

"Alex this is Issac , Issac this is Alex" he said .

"Edwin we met already." We both said at the same time.

I blushed and looked away.

"So how's school so far?" Issac asked.

"It's ok I like art class" I said looking up my eyes focused on his eyes. I got lost once again.

"Alex so are you going to the party" Edwin asked.

"Alex, Alex, Alex!" I snapped back to reality.

"what's up?" I said laughing.

"I asked if you're going to the party" he repeated.

"Oh yea" I said smiling at him.

The rest of the day was boring nothing special just taking notes and getting annoyed my the teachers.


Aye finally a somewhat long chapter lmao I hope you like this chapter the next chapter will come soon so be ready, Please vote on the story I makes my knowing that guy guys like my story. :)

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