Chapter 15: Ignorant Bliss

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Jade's view

My body sang with agony as Alyson picked me up roughly by the scruff of my shirt and threw my limp form out the open window and into the merciless night. Waiting for me below was none other than Katherine, but standing by her side was another vampire, male and well built, who seemed thought provokingly familiar, although I couldn't think from where.

It was difficult to make head or tail of anything that was going on around me in my drugged-up state, my senses were dulled due to the unbelievable pain which kept me immobilised, and now the two vamps had caught me in mid-air and propped me up which added to the effect that I was trapped and helpless.

I watched out of my peripheral vision as the blonde assassin leapt to the ground gracefully and with skill, tonight her hair wasn't hidden but instead hung behind her like a length of golden rope for all to see. She turned on me and cupped my chin which forced my face up towards hers, digging her nails into my skin, I saw the blood reflected in her cold and un-emotional eyes but I didn't feel it. She looked at me as if inspecting a great jewel that had taken a lot of work to acquire and I looked back through half-closed lids.

My body was burning alive from the inside out, the spot on my neck where the needle had first inserted itself was the furnace as the flames consumed my insides, licking at my veins and creating a path of their own. I wanted to scream. I wanted to break away and writhe on the dewy ground in an attempt to put out the fire that I knew would be impossible to quench. But I wasn't able to move, I wasn't even able to moan, and my kidnappers knew it.

Alyson smirked, but it didn't say amusing, but do it again and you'll be sorry, like Damon's. Instead it quite clearly said I win, "Not so tough without your little boyfriend are we?" Then on a more serious note, "You thought you were safe with your little bodyguards, nothing could hurt you so long as one of the Salvatore brothers were holding your hand, well, I think we proved that little theory wrong didn't we?" Her voice was a mixture of honey and ice as she pointed out the obvious flaws in our plan, when she was done she released her dangerously numbing grip on me and casually wiped my blood on Damon's shirt. Without the support my head flopped down so that all I could see were her feet, all I could do was listen as she addressed her henchmen, "Let's get out of here, we've got what we came for."

As they dragged me further and further away from the place that I had come to think of almost as my home with Alyson in the lead, a sudden thought occurred so sharp and pronounced that it cut through the pain like a knife through very soft butter; Damon.

Where was he? What had they done to him? I had heard a thump before I was captured, what had that been? What if they'd left him with a stake sticking out of his back? The very thought had my jaw locked, I had to go back. I couldn't leave him!

An overwhelming sense of despair flooded through me, temporarily disarming the vervain in my system, I could feel my strength returning to me and my canines lengthening at the prospect of freedom, not just of these cronies, but the freedom to return to the only one I wanted to be with right now.

In one final effort I grinded my heels into the soft earth, stood erect, and pulled my arms out of their iron grips which had been relaxed in the false idea that I would go quietly. Before they could quite realise what was going on I took a fistful of hair in each hand and knocked their heads together with as much force as I could muster, it was obviously enough since the two of them fell to the floor heavily.

I stood in a daze not quite comprehending what I had just done. But this only lasted a moment because it was at this point that I felt Alyson's fist connect with my right cheek forcing me to the ground also. I laid there as she knelt down on one knee in front of me, her face levelling down with mine, "Well, well, well…I stand corrected," A grin slowly spread across her pale face showing a set of worryingly sharp teeth, "Perfect."

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