Revenge: Fan Fiction

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Revenge: Season 2


I didn't wish those tragedies upon the people who played them out. It was certainly tragic for them, but not for me. All of those things brought me to where I am. Without those things, I couldn't be who I am, I wouldn't be here.

-Story Musgrave

Scene: Television is on. Shot from Emily’s room. The news broadcasts the plane crash. Shot from Grayson Manor’s Daniel’s cottage. Shot from Jack’s pub.

Conrad: [barges through the door carrying Charlotte] Daniel. It’s Charlotte.

Daniel: [rushes over to his father and takes his sister and rushes to his car].

Conrad: [hesitates for a second, looks to Ashley].

Ashley: Sir, the plane crash. Wasn’t Victoria on it. [Eyes watering].

Conrad: [chokes out] Yes. [Turns and slams the door as leaving].

Scene: Nolan and Emily sitting in Emily’s house. The television is still on. Emily has just found out her mother is still alive. Her father lied.

Emily: Nolan, Kara Wilkins.

Nolan: Who Ems?

Emily: My mother. [Stern face].

 Nolan: Ems, please let’s take a breather.

Emily: Nolan. My father told me my mother died in a car crash.

Nolan: Yeah, I’m sure there is an accurate reason for that.

Emily: I’m going to find her with or without your help.

[Emily’s phone rings. The screen reads Daniel.]

Emily: Hello?

Daniel: [other line] Emily.

Emily: Hi, Daniel. [Throws Nolan a look, tries to compose herself.]

Daniel: I didn’t know who else to call. My mother [stops dead]. It’s Charlotte. She’s in the hospital. She overdosed.

Emily: Daniel, I’m so sorry. I’m coming. [Line goes dead.] Charlotte’s in the hospital.

Nolan: Ems, you sure this is such a bright idea? Going to see Daniel and all?

Emily: I need to make sure she is okay that’s all. [Already out the door before Nolan can try and stop her].

Scene: Hospital. Emily comes half running down the hallway towards Daniel standing outside Charlotte’s room. Conrad is talking to a daughter a few feet away. Charlotte lays there unconscious.

Daniel: Emily, you didn’t have to come all this way.

Emily: It’s okay. I wanted to make sure Charlotte was okay.

Daniel: The doctors say it was a high overdose, but she will be okay. They hope. [Daniel’s eyes are red from crying].

Emily: [pulls Daniel into a hug] I’m sorry. [Releases him].

Daniel: I should have seen this coming.

Emily: Daniel, no one could have seen this. Charlotte was in a bad place tonight.

Daniel: [looks into Emily and sees the girl he fell in love with].

Ashley: [Comes up behind carrying two cups of coffee] Oh Emily, I didn’t expect to see you here. I would have brought you coffee.

Emily: No, I was just stopping by to make sure Charlotte was okay. I was just leaving. [Makes her exit].

Ashley: What was she doing here? [Handing coffee to Daniel].

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