Chapter 7

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Ever since Liam's gone back on tour, each day he goes without seeing Aybrum or hearing from Niall gets harder and harder.

Within the past week alone he's tried to FaceTime with them numerous different times, but he forgets they're on separate world clocks and ends up ringing them either too early in the morning or too late at night.

It's come to the point where they can only really communicate through text messaging, but even then, it's not like Aybrum can text so he's really only filling half the void he's been feeling.

"You alright, mate?" Harry plopped down beside him on the couch and leaned back as he absentmindedly propped his legs up on the small table in front of them. "You've been quiet since you got back two weeks ago, management still being twats?"

He shrugged, slouching back against the couch and lolled his head back to stare up at the extravagant hotel ceiling. "No, I just want to go home or at least have them with me here."

"Who's them?" He looked at him with a confused expression, scrunching his brows together.

Liam hadn't really told any of the boys where he'd been, only saying he went home to look for someone. A few nights ago, he did breakdown and tell his bodyguard Alberto everything because he had caught him talking on speaker phone with Niall and Aybrum.

He shook his head, loosely crossing his arms over his chest. "My family."

"Isn't your family coming to the London show like everyone else's is?" Harry was still confused, because their families all always make a point of attending their show when it's in London.

Liam looked at him, unsure if he wanted to explain further because as of right now Niall and Aybrum we're a secret, not only to the boys but a secret to the entire world. It was like he was living two separate lives and he wasn't sure he wanted them to bleed together just yet, he wanted to enjoy it before everything blew up.

"Yeah, they are. I guess I just didn't realize how much I miss them, sorry for being a twat towards you and Zayn lately." He smiled, smoothing everything over and made the decision to keep is other life, private.

Niall was having a more difficult time dealing with Liam's absence, because on a daily basis he had to explain to Aybrum why Liam wasn't coming to watch him or why they couldn't just go visit him like they did before.

The first week was the hardest, Aybrum cried for an hour when Niall told him he'd have to going to the sitters again because Liam wasn't available anymore. The second week, Aybrum started acting out when Niall would drop him off at the sitters. He would kick, scream, cry and even went as far as biting Niall on a couple occasions.

None of this was normal behaviour for the toddler, especially since he was usually calm and laid back about going to the sitters. But now, all Aybrum wanted was Liam and Niall couldn't give that to him, and it hurt.

It hurt seeing his child so upset and him not being able to do a damn thing about it, FaceTime never worked out and talking on the phone worked for a short time. But Aybrum wanted to see Liam, and it just wasn't possible and the toddler couldn't understand why.

"Li, Li, Li!" Aybrum shouted at his daddy, something that's become a daily routine.

He shook his head, picking him up and kissed his sour looking face. "I told you peanut, Liam cannot babysit you anymore. He had to go away for work, we'll see him in a couple more weeks. I promise."

The toddler forcefully hit his head on Niall's shoulder, grunting at him. "No bubba, Li!"

Niall put a hand on Aybrum's forehead to stop him from doing it again, afraid he'd accidentally knock himself out. "Aybrum, stop - right now. You don't do that, you're hurting yourself and it hurts daddy."

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