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Kit watches the boy stand in front of him and his friends, the boy is telling Pha bluntly not to mess around with Yo or else there will be consequences. It is a serious conversation and Kit cannot help but feel like that this boy, Ming must care for his friend very much.

'Treat him well.' Ming says before turning around and walking away.

'Ah, that boy really cares about his friend, I wonder if he likes anyone else that much that as more than a friend.' Beam asks his two best friends, Pha and Kit.

'Maybe he loves Wayo?' Kit suggests but Beam and Pha seem to dismiss the idea.

'No because he warned Pha that there would be consequences if he does not treat Wayo well.' Beam clarifies. Kit nods and agrees. Kit began to think how chirpy the boy is, how he is always smiling and seems that everything is alright and that there is no bother. Kit pulls up his sleeves and looks at the bruises covering his arms, if only I could be like that one day he thought to himself.

The bell rang and the boys began to separate, although they were in most of their classes together there was that one class that they were all separate. Step by step Kit walks to the class with the countless amounts of textbooks in his hands. The feeling of dread rushes through his blood as the feeling of being away from his friends hurt, he did not like being alone, unless, unless that meant being away from his father.


Kit turns around slowly with a brow raising, who is asking that. It is not Beam and it is not Pha so who is it? Kit did not have fangirls or fanboys like Pha nor did he have the many fangirls Beam had, instead he is by himself, the only two people Kit thought it could be was Pha and Beam but they were nowhere to be seen. Instead a boy, the tall boy from earlier stood behind him.

'Excuse me?' Kit asks not knowing why the boy wants to talk to him.

'Why excuse me, I just want to say hello to you Kitkat' the boy known as Ming smiles.

'Who said you can call me Kitkat.' Kit spoke a little agitated.

'What is wrong with Kitkat?' Ming says before pulling a kitkat out of his pocket. 'Do you want some?'

Kit looked at the Kitkat then looked down at this tummy, then back at the Kitkat. 'Sorry I cannot eat, anyway is there anything you need or you just trying to pester me?'

'Harsh.' Ming pouts looking rather hurt.

Kit rolls his eyes, 'I have class and I have to go, whatever you want from me just let me know later.'

'Ok....I want you...' Ming blurts out with the biggest grin on his face causing Kit to drop his textbooks.

As Kit rushes down to pick them up, by the time he stands back up Ming is nowhere to be seen.

The class began to drag, the teacher was waffling about something Kit could not care less about, even though he knew he should as he would be a doctor one day and this information would become handy, but he truly did not want to do the course. Instead subjects like art were more interesting to Kit, not medicine. Theory did not go in but his encounter with Ming from earlier began to replay in his head, what does he mean he wants me, why is he saying that. Kit shook his head in an attempt to get rid of Ming but they did not leave, all the could think about was Ming and how chirpy and handsome the boy is. By the end of the lesson Kit could did not learn anything and became annoyed at this, he knew he needed to pass but that boy got in his head for the whole class.

Kit leaves the classroom and as he does a boy is waiting outside for him, Ming. He is back.

'Hello Kit-kat, let me carry your books.' Ming greets. Without asking he takes my books away from me and gestures for me to walk.

'What are you doing Ming?

'I'm helping the kitty.' Kit sighs, 'do you know where I need to go, I need to go to the next class so I am in hurry so give me my books back.'

Ming ignores and walks with the books, he walks in the opposite direction to Kit's next class. Kit became anxious knowing he may be late, what is this boy up too.

Step by step they got further from the class.

'Where are you going?' Kit pleads, 'im going to be late.'

'We are just taking the long way to class. I need to get to know you more.' Ming says as if he just bought Kit as a piece of property.

'Well I cannot, I need to go now so give me my books.'

'Ah do not be like that Kitkat.' Ming does not give the books and continues to walk. Kit feels frustration and grabs the books. He attempts to walk the other way. Ming refuses to let his new kitty away so he places his hands on Kit's arms and pulls him back to him. Unknown to Ming, his hands had went over Kit's bruises causing Kit to drop the books on the floor and screech in pain.

Worry swept Ming to see what was wrong, 'what is wrong?'

'Did I hurt you.' I'm so sorry Kitkat,

'I hope I did not make a bruise.'

Before Kit could stop him, Ming pulled up Kit's sleeves where he saw many bruises that were days old and weeks old. Bruises that were from someone else.

'Fuck' Kit utters.


Hello, this is a second fanfic I am creating. I am also doing Beam + Forth which is lighter. Sorry for any poor writing errors, please forgive me. If you liked, please vote and stuff. 

Please do not continue to read if you are easily triggered by abuse/self-harm.  Please get support 

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