Our Bruises

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'Ming...I am so sorry.'

Ming's eyes had no life in them they were empty and void, it made Kit feel uneasy as Ming was Ming, the boy full of life but something happened to his brother that damaged Ming.

Kit felt sick, what had he done? By Ming seeing his bruises he made Ming remember about his brother, his younger brother and the harm that he received. Kit felt guilt, staring at his bruises he realises how he deserves them. Ming's brother on the other hand must have been so young, too young to know what pain was, too young to see monsters in real life, too young to deserve any of the treatment he got.


'Yes..Ming.' Kit answers, glad that Ming can spit out some words.

'I cared for my brother, I still do, I know he is somewhere better now, looking down on me, protecting me perhaps...but anyway, Kit Kat...I care for you, I do not want the same thing to happen to you. '

Kit stares away, how can he protect me?

'You're probably thinking how can I protect you but I can. Stay with me, leave your place.'

'That's easier said than done.' Kit chuckles even though nothing was amusing during the situation, a chuckle of frustration.

Ming looks into Kit's eyes, his expression from hurt and despair, to plea and desperation 'I am being serious, I do not want you there. It does not have to be with me, stay with Wayo, Beam or Pha. Please tell me Pha and Beam know about your father?'

Kit shakes his head left to right, and from plea and desperation, Ming's expression transfers to shock.

'They are your best friends Kit, how do they not know?'

Kit sighs. 'It is not their problem and I suppose it is not a problem, well the problem is me. I think my dad is just upset about my mum leaving him, I do not think he means it.'

And yet again Ming's expression changes, this time to confusion, 'Kit kat how can you even think that, how can you think he does not mean that, we cannot excuse him, he is a monster....'

'Well I do deserve it, sometimes I do not go home on time, I do not do my homework straight away and the college report on my participation in class. I guess he is just getting me ready to become a great doct-..'

'No...' Ming interrupts, 'do not excuse him, do not now, do not ever. People like him are the reason I do not have a brother, people like him are the reason loads of people do not have brothers, sisters, mums, dads ..and whatever, he is cruel and if I see him, I will end him for you.'

Kit stares at Ming, the serious expression hides no lies, Ming is serious, deadly serious.

'Promise me you will not stay there,'

'I cannot promise but I will try.' Kit lies just wanting the conversation to end. Ming smiles giving in to the belief that Kit will try to move.

'Good my Kit-Kat, hopefully it is with me.'

'Like hell it is.' Kit rolls his eyes.

The time calls, and the two boys separate for their separate classes.

By the end of the day Pha and Beam walk with Kit as he leaves class. The two boys walk with him to the college entry/exit area and to the car park.

'Guys don't you have your own cars?' Kit asks knowing for well the two boys do.

Pha and beam nod. "We just want to spend some more time with you.'

'Why?' Kit asks, 'has Ming said anything to you two?'

'Ming, why would he?' Beam replies.

Kit stares at Beam knowing for well he is lying, that Ming has spoken to them.

'Oh, oh really?'

'Yes...yes really.' Beam's smile getting bigger, trying to cover up his lying. Beam always began to smile when lying, therefore he was easy to read. Tip, never keep a secret with Beam.

'What did Ming say?'

'Ming did not say anything Kit, actually we did not even see Ming.' Pha spoke.

'Pha, I know he did, I can tell, Beam cannot keep a straight face, obviously he has spoke to you.'

Pha sighs. 'Fine, yes he did, all he said was to look after you.'

Kit's heart began to race, do Beam and Pha know? Kit thought

'Ming told us that you were feeling a little sick, hungry and just sad so he asked for us to cheer you up.'

'Oh....I had food after seeing Ming so I feel much better, not sick anymore nor sad so you guys can go home if you want.'

The two boys nod knowing that Kit wants to be left alone. Pha and Beam appear to still not know what is going on.

Kit getting his own way heads back to his home, he parks the car outside and grabs his books. Walking up to the front door dreading what's on the table for tonight's punishment, he hears his name being called.

'Kit...Kit Kat.'

Kit turns around. It is Ming.

Kit's heart races. 'You cannot be here.'

'Harsh Kit Kat.'Ming pouts.

Ming walks towards Kit whilst Kit is meters away from his front door, meters from what most people would refer to hell.

'Leave quickly' Kit hisses, finishing with a sigh.

'No, I am staying.'

'My father will hear you.'

'So we will face him together!'

'Seriously fucking leave.' Kit pleas with frustration, placing his hand on Ming's hand gesturing for him to go the other direction, attempting to push the boy away.

The front door opens and his father sees Kit. He also sees where Kit's hand is, touching another boy's hand.

Kit stares at his dad in fright.

'You fucking faggo-' his father shouts.

This is not good.

Kit's father starts to move towards Kit.

'Ming go.' Kit whispers letting go of Ming's hand.

Kit closes his eyes and waits for his fate.

A/N -> Sorry it is a little rushed, I hope it is not too bad. Will try to improve for next chapter.

Thank You for comments and votes and adding me to collections. I get so much motivation from this.

Just got exams lately so trying to squeeze this in between exams, projects and work.

Thank you and have a good week! :)  

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