Sometimes, that Butta Love gets Too Close.
If you guys see anyone copying me, please tell me in the comments or message me. Thank you!
~The StorytellerSB
The winter break of '97 is over, '98 is here, classes start back and it's time to get back in the swing of things. Though winter break is over, college life wouldn't be nothing without the big break before summer, '98 Spring Break! At Florida A&M University, better known as FAMU, four best girl friends name Chauntel, Sharmel, Marcia or Macy, and Alyza are planning their first spring break trip together as friends. Macy and Lyza goes to Chauntel and Sharmel's apartment, doing homework and talking about their classes.
Macy:"Girl, this semester, my classes are going be stress city. Damn it! I know I should've did dance!" Sharmel:*looks up*"Bitch, can you even dance?" Chauntel:*chuckled*"Right!?" Macy:"Well, if you talking about grinding, I do that shit all the time at the club." Alyza:"No, they teach and learn dance genres like lyrical, jazz, tap, shit like that." Macy:"Ah fuck, um I don't know no damn lyrical and shit."
They all laughed as Lyza through the pillow she was laying back on at her. Lyza and Macy are roommates, and they roast and say I love you at the same time.
Alyza:"Yo, y'all wouldn't believe what they said on the radio this morning!" Sharmel:"What?" Macy:"Her track record."*giggles* Chauntel:"Macy!? You ain't right." Macy:"Girl, whatever. Tell them girl." Alyza:"Thank you! Well, I heard Next is going on some tours before they do their big tour this summer."
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Next is a R&B group that's from Minnesota. They're the group that could go heads up with H-Town with the provocative lyrics and sexy moves, they're a handsome trio of black men with talent.
Macy:"Forreal!! Girl, if we went to a show and saw some Next, I would love to meet them, and get me some of the big boned T-Low!"*laughs* Sharmel:"Oh God!"*giggles* Alyza:"Only Macy would want T-Low." Chauntel:"What's with you and thick or fat ass men?" Macy:"See, just because if it was a damn blizzard, I would be the one warm while y'all be shivering and shaking. My man eats, Tweet and RL look like they diet and shit!" Sharmel:"What!?" Chauntel:"Girl, RL is fine and he got tats, looks like a rough neck nigga that could satisfy a chick like me, and what's wrong with dieting?" Alyza:"Yeah, at least they wouldn't get tired if y'all doing it?" Sharmel:"Wow."*continues doing her work* Macy:"Um hello! They ain't eating, they probably starving and shit. A big bone man will eat a whole steak dinner and make me happy in the bed at the same time! And, he won't be tried because he got his nutrition, unlike y'all men ain't eating unless it's low fat and low cards."
Sharmel just shook her head and giggles still doing her work while Lyza and Chauntel debate on their men's health and stamina. After 2 minutes of their "great debate", Lyza asked,
Alyza:"While we debating on nothing, we need to have a plan for Spring break, together." Macy:"Word!" Chauntel got up to get something from her purse. Alyza:"Yo Black, where you going?"
"Black" is Chauntel's nickname.
Chauntel:*Came back hiding something behind her back*"Well, since we were talking about Spring break plans and Next, my boo snagged 4 tickets to their concert with Mase in Jacksonville."*pulls out the tickets* Macy:"BITCH!!! YOU LYING!!?" Alyza:"No?" Chauntel:"Yes, and not only that, he got us 4 backstage passes."