The Lonely Surviver: Day 1

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So I'm starting a log to keep myself occupied at nights. So today was easily the worst day of my life. It started with Amata, my childhood friend waking me up. She seemed really scared, and for a good reason. She told me that my dad had left vault 101 and that her dad, the overseer had sent guards to kill me. So seens my dad left and the vault guards want to kill me, I left in a rush. When I first entered the new world, the sun struck me. After my eyes got used to the bright outside world, i saw a huge pile of scrap. I went to investigate it and that's when I saw the great town of Megaton, that's really not that great. Outside was a robot welcoming me to the town and a man desperate for water, I gave him a bottle of water and continued in to the city.

When i first entered Megaton there was a man who greated me, his name was Lucas Sims. The towns sheriff and mayor, he seemed nice. I asked him if there was any where in town i could get supplies and a drink. He directed me to Moira a trader who i question her sanity, but she gave me a armored vault suit and asked if I could help her out with this book she's making. I thought why not, it sounded simpel. Well it wasn't, she told me too scavenge a place called "super-duper mart" for chems and food.I thought that this could be a easy, but also a good chanse to learn about the outside world and how to take care of myself out in the wastes.

The first thing that met me when i stood outside of "super-duper mart" was dead people and next to them some more dead people who actually wasn't dead, but they could have fooled me. Apparantly people like these are called ghouls and they're not the most gullible people of the wastes. Well these ghouls were heading to a place called "underworld", but they were blocked by something called super mutants. They also said they were now trying to find they're own place when these raiders jumped them. After they informed me that there was probably more Raiders inside, they left. So I went inside, the first thing I saw was a nuka-cola machine. I opened it just to find out it was nothing inside of it. I got a little sad, because i really needed a drink right now. After thisdepressing discovery I snook to the corner of the supermarked, I found some energy cells and food. I continued scavdnging when suddenly a Raider came in. He had a strange outfit that was made out of kitchen wears and he had this old chinese gun. I took him out with a 10m straight to the back of his head. His brains were painted on to the wall. I felt a slight satisfaction and afterwards I got discusted by myself. I just killed a man.

After a while of sneaking around i got out of "super-duper mart" alive. I headed back to Megaton. I told Moira everything I saw and in return she gave me a machine that made food taste better and I could keep all the things I found.

After I talked to Moira, went over to Moriartis bar to get some information on my dad and maybe a place to sleep.

The bar was a small place with a few customers daily, and not much of anything really. I went over to the bartender asking after information on my father, he told me to ask Moriarty. He pointed me to a old guy with long hair.

I went over to him and asked what he knew about my father and he told me that he was heading for "GNR" and that me and my father was not born in the vault. He also told me that I could have a room for 120 caps, kinda expensive. I didn't really have a choise. When I got my key I headed for my room, but before I reached it a girl called Lucy West asked if i was new in town. She also asked if i was looking for work. Seens I was short on caps because of the room, I said yes. She told me that she had a family who lives on a bridge two hours away from here. Im going to deliver a letter to her family tomorrow morning. So that completes my first day in the wastes.

Day 2 comes when I got time, because this took like 2 hours just to write this noob page, but if alot of people read or atleast one who likes it, it'll come out faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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