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We regret things we shouldn't have done in the first place

I shouldn't have done it

       I run as fast as I could after I received her cousin's call. I didn't believe at first because both of them pull pranks on me and I thought this one was one of those but it wasn't.

"J-jimin.. its Stephanie.." 

"What happened to her?"


   All I could hear was her cousin's cries and how she tried to control herself not breaking down. I stood up hurriedly on my chair after that call and run as fast as I could. I knew it was serious. I had to go right away. My chest became heavy and my guts were spinning and turning. I always have this feeling when she's in danger. I run double my speed. I didn't care if I bump into people. I need to be where she is right now.

  Our memories together flash before my eyes. Everything we went through. Those times were we would just lay in bed and cuddle. Those times were we would spend time with each other outside the house. Those times we'd end up fighting. 

"F*ck"  I curse to myself as I remembered we had an argument last night and just this morning. 

"Please dont"  My eyes started to became watery. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say those words" I tell to myself but hoped that I could tell her these if she wasn't far away from me.

I shake my head after I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. I close my eyes and try not to cry as I remember those words I told her. Those mean words I shouldn't have told her in the first place. In the background I could hear loud sirens of ambulance and police cars also the loud chitter chatter of people around. I lift my head up to see a big crowd not that far away from me. I stand up properly and made my way to the crowd curious of what they were talking about.

"Poor girl. She has a lot to spend her life at but they had to took her life" One of the elderly said as I accidentally eavesdropped on their conversation. What she said somehow made the heavy feeling in my chest heavier. It made me panic in a way but I still don't know what 's happening. 

"Who could've done this to her?" One woman asked her friend. I walk closer excusing myself to people who were blocking my way. I gulped as I have the feeling again. 

I excused myself to the last person who was in front of me and there I was stunned. Stoned in the spot I was standing at and eyes glued to the body in front of me. Tears started to flow in the corner of my eyes. My heart aches seeing what was in front of me. Everything was unclear as if everyone around me disappeared and its just me and .. .. ..her.

I dropped down in my knees with eyes still glued to her lifeless body. I hate it. I hate it when my gut feeling is right. I hate myself. I hate this. 

Her cousin approached me. She was crying too. Well, who wouldn't?

I felt like dying. No, I feel dead. 

She's in that state because of me. Because of what I said.

I broke down in tears as I couldn't find any words or sentences to tell. This isn't fair. I should be the one in her position not her. I balled my hands in to fists and cried. " N-no .. "


" i-I .. i-it wasnt true,Jimin. I'm not cheating on you. Dont you get it? She's trying to break us apart. She planned all of this. " She says as she tried reaching out. I slapped her hand away from me and look at her directly in the eyes.

" She's trying to break us apart? For God's sake Stephanie! She's my friend! My best friend! She wouldn't do that! " 

" And you think I would do that? Cheat on you? Sleep with another man? " She asks me with tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

" Wouldnt you? I bet you did. How many did you sleep wi- " I was cut off with a hard slap on my face.

" In our 4 year relationship you ask me that? " She scoffs. " You know what Jimin? I'm done with you. I hate you. " She says as she hurriedly got out of our shared apartment.

" Oh sure. Go die for all I care " 


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