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 All I could hear was the beeping of her monitor. It's the only thing i hear and I grew used to the sound. It became one of the things that calmed me and gave me hope everyday when I visit her. 

2 years.

She had been in a coma for 2 years without the assurance of her waking up. We hope. All of us hope she would just wake up now. She's missing a lot and I'm missing her and her presence a lot inside our shared apartment. I've been with her for 2 years ever since that incident and I'll be staying by her side if this takes a year or years to take but I hope not. I want her to wake up. I don't want her to end up dying on us for real.

Just like my usual mornings, I would greet her every time I wake up even though I don't get a greeting back. I missed how her kisses would wake me up in the mornings or her hugging me so tight she wouldn't let go of me. I miss her warm and cozy hugs. Her cuddles. 

I would give her hugs but not that tight because the doctor said it might stress her out or do something with her recovery. I would give her forehead kisses and stare at her while holding her hand everyday.

"Stephanie" I say as I hold her hand drawing circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. A beep on her monitor was the response I got. At least she's responding to me. Its better than her not responding at all.

I smile to myself as I remember how I would call out her name and she would ask me what I need but I would answer her with a, " Nothing, I just wanted to call out your name " then smile at her.


" I miss how you call my name. Would I hear it again? " I ask looking at her sleeping form. " I know I will " I say then smile. " I know I will. You're a strong girl. I trust you " 

Trust? You trust her? You didn't that day, Jimin. My sub-conscious tells me.

I sigh. Right, I didn't. I didn't trusted her when I was supposed to but yet I doubted her and her love for me. How can you be so stupid, Jimin?

I stood up and went to the mini dining room her room has. The things I brought for her just brings a smile to my face. Its all of her favorites. All of the food she would always buy or cook for us both. Or when I'm sick, she would cook me her favorite soup and meal.

I haven't been in our apartment ever since and the others started to worry about me and my health. I would tell them that I'm just fine that they shouldn't worry about me but I know I couldn't fool them. They know how I am and I'm thankful that they have been helping me regain my energy and also help me in taking care of her for the past 2 years.

I sat back again beside her and smiled looking at her and the food. 

I chuckle to myself.

"I remember how you used to tell me how you are so addicted to this. You always say and sometimes describe every detail of every ingredient to me .. and there I was listening but you know its not the story I was attracted and interested to." I say before I look at her and eat some of the fruits. " You always and will attract me, Stephanie. " 

" I hope you can tell me all about it again. You would,right? Because i know you will and i'll wait babe. I'll wait for you. " 

*monitor beeps*

He nods and smiles. " That's good to hear. "

" You promise me right? Pinky promise? " I asks as I stick out my pinky finger and assists her had to make the same.

" Pinky .. " I wrap my pinky finger with hers.

 " Promise " I say and smile looking at our pinky fingers.




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