Melody Cresent

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I clutch Owen's hand and he squeezes it back in reassurance. Owen is my boyfriend. No, he's more than that. He's my best friend, the one person I can trust. We met in the heart of the cancer care centre, I know, it's like The fault in our stars. I'm just hoping our story turns out different. I hope we get more chances.

Speaking of chances, we were going to try out an experimental treatment.

There have only been one or two other people who have tried it previously, not including the group (us and some other kids) standing here waiting to try it today.

There's dork with glasses, A girl in flannel and denim, a preppy looking girl and a short dark skinned girl. Looking at them you'd never have know they had cancer. This supposed cure was for a new kind of cancer, Ipsodimic or something, I'm not sure, but it affects your brain. It makes you go crazy and aggressive... if you survive that long. Thinking about it know it's sort of the Flare from The maze runner... but less zombie like.

The room is pretty bland, manly just a bunch of white walls, chairs and tables. It makes me feel weird, since my wardrobe and accessories consisted of well... black - although I dyed my blonde hair blue, just to prove to my parents that they can't control me.

I turn to Owen, pulling the earplugs out of his ears.

"What are you listening to?"


He reaches forward to grab them, failing miserably.

"Here you go" I say, laughing, trying not to concentrate on my nerves.

Putting his arm around me, he plants a kiss on the top of my head.

"So, how long do you think we'll have to wait?" he questions, playing with a strand of my dyed hair.

"I don't know... they're taking forever... what are they even doing?" I grumble.

As if one cue a plum woman dressed in a lab coat walks out of the door opposite us and clears her throat.

"Before we get started, I'd like you all to introduce yourself since you'll be spending the next week or so together!" Her accent is a mix of Russian and german - strange, I know.

A few minutes later she had gots us sitting in a circle introducing ourselves.

"I'm Clara Keyton! And I L.O.V.E shopping!" Gah, her happiness makes me sick, too cheerful for this sort of event.

"I'm... J-Jake," his voice cracks a little. "J-Jake Adderson, and umm... I like photography." Which explains the camera strap around his neck.

"Hey, I'm Amelia Rose, but you guys can call me Amy, and I'm addicted to Sherlock- The T.V series I mean" She makes a half hearted peace sign before leaning back in her chair, I like her already.

The next girl beames at all of us and I internally die. Not another positive freak. "So, I'm Brooklyn Rodgers, and I'm from Brooklyn, so it's not to hard to remember, also, I'm happy to be here and meet all of you." Ok, she's.... Um.... happy? No irritating.

I poke Owen in the shoulder.

"Your turn."

"Right." He takes one earbud out

"I'm Owen King, and this is my girlfriend" He says. I feel my face go red and put my head in my hands

"I'm Melody Crescent. No one look at me".

"Please" Owen murmurs jokingly.

"No one look at me. Please" I say rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me" He whispers in the same tone as before.

"Oh my god! Did you just quote something from Sherlock?!" Amelia shouts looking amazed, a faint English accent showing through.

"Maybe..." Owen says smugly while replacing his earplug back in his ear.

Before anyone could say anything else the lady claps her hands and got our attention.

"Right then!" she claps her hands once more "Shall we move on?"

There was a mutual nod and she beckoned us to stand up

"Follow me, children"

Gah, I hate it when adults call me a child, I'm 17 for god's sake.

We're lead into a room lined with bunk beds. There were some tables, chairs, board games, etc.

"Okay, this is the living quarters for the girrrrls" She says, prolonging the R in Girls. She then Leads us through to another almost identical room. "And this is the boy's room" She says making 'Boy's' sound like 'boiys'.

"Where's the toilet?"

" there" The plump lady says pointing to a small room in the corner.

"Now Then, children! This way!"

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