Amelia Rose

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So everyone was going to the school dance. Well, not everyone, I wasn't - Obviously. I had pigs to deal with, very needy pigs.

I was sat at home savoring the last precious moments of binge watching Sherlock before my dad came back with the animal feed. I'm not going to lie; I was kinda hoping a fairy godmother would show up and boop me on the head saying 'You shall go to the ball' or something. But no. Just as Moriarty showed up at the pool, my dad walked in through the back door and turned off the TV.

"Daaaaaaaaaaad" I whine "It's was just getting to the pinnacle moment! I need to know what happens next" Honestly, I had watched this episode at least five times before, but it was on of my favorites and I needed to finish it.

"Amy, you can finish it later" He looks at me with tired eyes and I sigh in defeat.

"Fine." I grumble and stand up, trudging toward the door. I pick up the bucket of food and reach for the door handle.

"I'll be back in a few hours, there's leftover pizza in the fridge" He calls back as he reaches the front door.

"K!" I shout as I head out the back to the animals. I slip on my boots and continue down off the back porch. The first stars were beginning to show and the moon was illuminating the yard. Taking a deep breath of cool air, I wander over to the pig pen and open the gate. My feet sunk almost completely into the mud making a weird squish swash sound when I walk. I pour the veg into the pig's trough, calling them over.

They scatter away from me frantically, but the food was starting to bringing them back. I could understand the struggle. Wow. I can't believe I'm trying to relate to pigs. Well, pigs are very relatable...

I smile down at them, as they begin to pick up the scent of food. I lean down to pat the head of the runt piglet, my personal favorite (shhhhh don't tell the others). Standing up, I watch it walk away on it's little legs, nearly walking into the trough. I laugh and walk away, determined to finish the episode. I walk back into the living room and through to the kitchen. I set a timer for an hour (when I had to feed the stupid chickens - who, may I mention, hate me) and did a sort of dance over to the sofa. Flicking the T.V on, I lay in a sort of nest, enjoying the bingeing.

I stare at the old T.V for a good 10 minutes until the landline began to ring. I almost had a heart attack - not funny. Getting up from my nest of cushions and blankets and snatch the phone of the wall. You're probably wondering why we have a landline, well it's a long-ish story. We used to live in this SUPER fancy 4 floor house in New York, but when my mum broke up with my dad (about 7-8 years ago) we moved out to the countryside. I mean, the countryside's really nice and all, but dad wanted us to live a completely different lifestyle to how it was with mum. So instead of cool flat screen TVs and the newest Iphones we have a second hand box TV and a landline. Anyway, I grabbed the phone off the wall.


"Hi, is Amelia there?"

"Umm, yeah, that's me," I try to think to why someone would want to call me. My friends are at the dance, and I don't really know anyone else.

"We wanted to talk to you about the screening, your results have come back, I'm so sorry" My breath catches in my throat.

"A-are you sure?" I was about to break down. I clutch the phone to my chest and slowly edge down the wall before bringing the phone back to my ear.

"I'm sorry miss, But we've checked multiple times"

"When should I come in?" It's at times like this I find it hard to be brave. To pretend I'm okay. I take a deep breath and she gives me the date and time.

I swallow before answering, "Thank you." She replies with a cheerful "you're welcome" which makes me sick to the stomach.

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