15. Hurt

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It has been weeks since we last talked,

You would never share a glance with me

Even though I've been staring at you.

You talked to any girls but I,

You laughed, you made jokes, you had fun.

Yet I couldn't forget.

I didn't understand why you left and ignored me since that.

If you didn't like me back, you would say it.

If you didn't want me around,

You could just freaking say it.

I'd never thought you were such a coward

Who is afraid of talking to a harmless girl.

I would never do anything wrong.

I am normal, I'm myself.

That I can't see colors doesn't mean

I can't feel them.

I do feel, and now

I feel misery.

I feel bitterness.

I feel anger, all up to you.

You disappointed me Alex,

You let me down.

You underestimate me, what I'm capable of.

Maybe you are right to be afraid of me.

Because I would be scared of the person whom I hurt

Even though she never deserved.

Still, don't be afraid of me,

Be afraid of what I can be doing.

Be afraid of to whom I can turn into.

I might seem white,

But my blood is black.

You forgot this.


Author's Note:

Rebellous, isn't she? Nobody likes to get hurt. :(

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