Prologue: A New Wind

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 “Ah, today’s the day,” a girl exclaims as she stretches out her back. “I can’t believe that Burgh’s Studio Castelia opened! I’ve been waiting for this all year!” Alongside her female Tepig, Piglet, the girl looks around in awe of Castelia City. “You know, Piglet,” she explains, “My mom said she brought me here to the city when I was a little girl. She said I had the most fun on the boat by the shore.” She smiles down at Piglet, who squeals happily. “Here we are!” the girl states while pointing at the museum before her. When she walks inside, she is greeted by Burgh, who immediately recognizes her. “Hilda, darling! So glad to see that you could make it!” “Well, you know, I was passing by on my way to my villa in Nuvema Town, so I decided to see how your art museum was doing.” “As you can see, the whole place is packed. I would’ve rather hung them inside my gym, but the whole place is stocked full of them. Feel free to look around!” He turns away giddily while Hilda and Piglet venture through the museum. After walking through for five minutes, Hilda thinks, I never thought that a museum this popular could be so… boring! Eventually, she passes by a collection titled Yin and Yang. “What’s this?” she asks Burgh, who has also joined with the crowd of people around the painting. “It’s a pair of Pokémon I read about named Reshiram and Zekrom. Zekrom is the black one in the painting entitled Dark Truth while Reshiram is the white one in the painting entitled Light Ideals. They’re supposed to represent a balance...” “That’s amazing,” Hilda comments. But what I’m really surprised about, she thinks, is the beauty of that Zekrom! Suddenly, the scream of a woman rings throughout the art museum. “What was that!?” Hilda and Burgh exclaim before rushing to find a boy and his Tepig standing before a charred painting. Although Hilda is irritated, Burgh seethes pure rage. “What have you done to my painting!?” “Sorry,” the boy apologizes. “My Tepig sneezed out some fireballs and lit the painting on fire.” Hilda turns to Burgh to try calming him down as he yells, “And who do you think you are to be destroying people’s artwork like that, huh!?” “Oh, sorry! My name’s Hilbert! Hilbert Black!” “I’ll show you to mess with me and my artwork, boy!” Burgh taunts as he takes out his Pokéball. Recognizing how dangerous Burgh can be when he’s angry, Hilda intervenes. “On behalf of the White family, I’ll pay for the damages! In return, Hilbert will face a different punishment. Agreed?” Immediately, Burgh’s fury disappears. “Whatever. As long as I’m getting paid back for the damages and he’s banned forever. Thank you, Hilda darling!” As he skips off to enjoy the studio, Hilda turns to Hilbert and glares at him. “What?” he asks. “You didn’t need to do that. I could’ve taken him on easily.” “That’s not the point!” she shouts. “Anyway, you’re coming with me.” “Why should I?” “Because if you don’t, I can have you arrested for not paying the fines of vandalizing Burgh’s property.” Realizing he can’t escape her, Hilbert reluctantly follows.

            After leaving Studio Castelia, the pair emerges onto the streets of the city. “What were you doing in there anyway?” Hilda asks. “You don’t seem like much of an art patron.” “Oh, I’m not. I was there because I wanted to look at a picture of Reshiram and Zekrom! I heard they were the highlight of the Studio Castelia! I got to see it, but when I was leaving, Tepi here sneezed and burned that painting to a crisp,” he says while gesturing to his Tepig, who has become smitten with Hilda’s Piglet. “So it’s a boy,” Hilda realizes as Piglet tries hiding behind her leg. “Yeah. Hey, I gave out my name, but I never got yours. What is it?” “Oh, how rude of me! My name’s Hilda White, daughter of the C-Gear Corporation CEO!” After being shocked by realizing how much money Hilda has, Hilbert drops to his knees and begins praising her by calling her Ojōsama (a title used to call the daughter of someone of high class).  “Please stop! You’re embarrassing me!” Hilda pleads. “Hey,” Hilbert remembers, “Back in the museum, you said something about a punishment. What did you have in mind?” “Thanks for reminding me! I only had an assignment in mind. I want you to capture the elusive Zorua for me!” “What’s that?” Hilbert asks. “Zorua is a small Dark-type Pokémon that’s become famous for its ability to transform into anything it sees. Its cuteness, rarity, and popularity will become a perfect advertising representative! Can you imagine a C-Gear on the paw of a cute little Zorua!?” She must be insane, Hilbert thinks. When a drop of rain falls on the top of his hat, he notices that his surroundings have become covered with shadows. “Hey, I don’t remember the forecast calling for rain,” Hilda comments as she looks up into the sky to discover an ominous thundercloud rolling over the city. “What… what is that!?” she gasps as rain pours down intensely. “I’ve never seen such a scary-looking thundercloud!” Realizing that something isn’t right, Hilbert tries to examine the thundercloud. Suddenly, an enormous bolt of lightning drops from the sky and crashes into a tall building, causing it to collapse while sending debris into the faces of everyone. Hilda and Hilbert are thrown away from the collapsing building, separating themselves from Piglet and Tepi. After rolling to a stop, Hilda looks up into the sky to watch more thunderbolts falling. “This is crazy!” she comments. “This isn’t a real storm!” As the lightning flashes, she is able to spot a gigantic figure lurking behind the clouds. That silhouette could only belong to that Pokémon, she thinks. As the townspeople around them scurry for shelter from the falling thunderbolts, Piglet runs for cover, prompting Tepi to chase after her. “Tepi!” Hilbert calls after him. “Can you get them back?” Hilda asks. “I… need to check something first with that thundercloud. We’ll meet back here later, okay?” “Yeah!” As Hilbert chases after Tepi and Piglet, Hilda throws her Pokéball to the ground, releasing her Swoobat. “Alright Batty, I need you to help me with your Agility! Think you can handle it?” Swoobat nods and begins flying, allowing Hilda to grab onto her tail. Swoobat then flies high into the air towards the thundercloud with Hilda holding on tightly.

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