The Invitation
Chapter 1
The rain pattered against the windowsill. Julianne sat there waiting for her mother to come home. It was a boring day. At school Julianne had many tests and missed all of her electives because of tests. Julianne was tired and had nothing to do, so there she sat.
The bright headlights could be seen through the pouring rain as Julianne’s mother pulled into the long driveway up the winding hill. “There she is” Julianne said as she jumped up from the old, brown, dusty chair. Julianne ran to the door and watched as her mother walked and got soaked. Julianne couldn’t help it, she laughed, it was her moms bright pink and green polka dotted boots. Julianne’s mother was a businesswoman. She dressed in suits, so those boots made her look hilarious.
“Juli” her mother said, “can you help me bring in the groceries, and sorry I was so late”.
“Sure” Juli said. “Just one sec, I’ve got to put my shoes on” Juli looked for her shoes very slowly because she didn’t want to bring in groceries. She flipped her bangs out of the way, everyone told her how she had such beautiful brown hair, but she did not like it. She looked for her neon pink sneakers, and saw them, but she pretended that she didn’t so she wouldn’t have to help her mom. “I’m looking” Juli said so her mom wasn’t wondering what was taking so long.
“Don’t worry” her mom said, “ It’s all in, now you just have to put it away”
“Mom!” Juli said, “Why do I have to do it”
“Because you didn’t help me, I know your little tricks”
Juli sighed and started putting the peanut butter in the cabinet. She pretended she didn’t know where things went so her mom would do the work, but her mom caught on. It was worth a try though. Her mom was pretty smart and Juli should know better than to try playing tricks on her, but she does it anyways.
When Juli was finished putting away the groceries she went to her bedroom, where her dog, Muttley was currently peeing on her floor. “MUTTLEY!” Juli yelled at the top of her lungs “BAD DOG, YOU GO PEE OUTSIDE” She dragged the dog to the kitchen door and took him outside. Of course, now that he had already done his business, all he did outside was chase frogs and butterflies, and look stupid. Juli took him inside and put him in his crate. “Go to bed!” she said slightly calmer, but still yelling because she was out of breath from running after the dog who was chasing a poor Monarch butterfly.
“Juli” her mother said “don’t forget about the pee in your room”.
“I wont’” Juli said and she went to her room just to find another puddle of pee. She was very angry at that Great Dane puppy. She took the cleaner, squirted it on the carpet, and wiped it up. She was angry, but also happy because this time, it wasn’t poop.
Later that night, Juli’s mom was watching television and eating popcorn with Juli. They were watching “Dancing with the Dopes”, which was on every Monday night. Juli was watching the show when one of the people fell down and hurt themselves. “Oh no” Juli said. But on this show, the person laughed and started dancing again. Juli swore she could hear some one at the front door, her dogs even barked, but when she looked out the window no one was there. Juli thought nothing of it and continued watching her show.
“Juli” her mom said, “everything is ready to make dinner why don’t you start?” Juli’s mother turned on the news because “Dancing with the Dopes” was over.
“I will” Juli said. She went to the kitchen. Tonight they were having burgers since her dad was at a meeting. Her dad is a vegetarian and hates meat, but ever since Juli took that first bite of a hamburger, she fell in love. She could never go back to the vegetarian lifestyle.
Juli put the beef patties on the stove and waited. When they were done she put her mom’s toppings on, the usual lettuce, ketchup, mustard, tomatoes, and relish. But when it was time for Juli’s burger, she put on a slice of pineapple, barbeque sauce, and some caramelized onions. Juli called it the Sweet Surprise, but her mother called it gross.
“Dinners ready!” Juli shouted across the kitchen into the living room. Muttley stared howling, so Juli let him out of his crate. “Now it’s okay to go boy,” said Juli to her dog that was sitting in his crate staring idiotically at her. “You howl so we let you out, but when we open the door, all you do is sit there,” said Juli. Juli walked back to the stove and got her plate, her mom had already taken her own.
“Yum, this is good,” said Juli’s mom with a mouth full of cheeseburger.
“Thank you” said Juli. She took the remote and changed the channel to watch anew show called “Don’t You Dare Tell Mom”. Her favorite actor, Roderick Hitchenstien was on.
Later, Juli was feeling sleepy and decided to go to bed. Juli couldn’t stop thinking about that noise she heard outside of her door. She couldn’t sleep. Her mind would not rest. Juli stared at the ceiling until she finally fell asleep.
The next morning was a Wednesday, so Juli had to go to school. She reluctantly got out of bed and shut off her alarm clock. Juli went through her morning routine as normal, take out the dog, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth and brush hair, but when it came time for Juli to get on the bus, today was a little different.
"Bye mom!", Juli said as she stepped out the door. On the steps sat a cream colored envelope with blue cursive lettering on the front.

Sad at Sea (Unfinished)
Ficção AdolescenteJulianne is a teenager who lives with her mom. She is a single child and often gets bored. Julianne lives a pretty normal life just like anybody else. But when a mysterious invitation shows up on her doorsteps asking her to go on a trip across the P...