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     Hi guys! I'm Sarah. I'm 19. I'm from India but moved to Ireland when I was 8. I was born on July 6 1994. Right I have a secret that only my 2 best friends no. It's that....I'm a vampire. I turned into a vampire about last month. My ex Luke Brooks turned me. The weird thing is, I drink blood but I can also eat food and drink water. I like being a vampire. Me and Luke are still friends.

       I'm a dancer and do every type od dancing. My favourite is probably Freestyle and hip hop. I also like salsa but ya. I'm the youngest between Niamh, Claire and me. I'm the cheeky and prankster aswell. Niamh is a black swan. Claire is an angel. They're alwas there for me and I'm always there for them

I'm tan. I have black hair which I give different colour highlights. 

                                                                         ME THERE ON THE SIDE>>>>>

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