storms and late night talks

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the same night

*everyone was in the living room*

Harry: thanks for letting us stay here until the storm clears up

Claire: its ok

*knock at the door*

Sarah: I got it I got it

Sarah: *opens the door* oh hi nepeta

Nepeta: *Crying* Can I come in?

Sarah: of course. where's kan?

Nepeta: She's out with more Black swans. I got scared when it got stormy

Sarah: Niamhs in the living room if you want her

Niamh (black swan form): *curled up on an arm chair asleep*

*Nepeta and Sarah walk into the living room*

Nepeta: *turns into black swan form and curls up beside Niamh purring*

Niamh: *opens her eyes for a brief second but closes them again and falls back asleep*

Eddie: I've killed them but I never actually seen them so peaceful.

Sarah: yeah

Harry: I hope aleks is ok

Eddie: He was out tracking a demon

Sarah: who?

Harry: our friend aleks was out tracking a demon we got separated when we found those two vampires

Claire: I'm sure he'll be fine

Harry: when this storm clears want to live with us?

Eddie: our home is a lot bigger then this

Sarah: I don't know...

Harry: come on

Claire: its not us its Niamh she's 12 other black swans to protect as well as us.

Eddie: fortunately its very close to the forest

Sarah: oh well, I guess that's ok

Nepeta: *whispers* is Niamh moving away?

Claire: Not that far away Nep, you'll still get to see her

Nepeta: oh

Sarah: do you feel better now, since you were crying at the door

Nepeta: *nods and snuggles closer to Niamh* she's like another mom to is kanaya *giggles*

*everyone chuckles*

After a few hours everyone went to bed. Eddie couldn't sleep that night so he snuck downstairs and walked into the living room, where Niamh and Nepeta still lay asleep. He sits on an arm chair beside them that was facing the window and he watched the rain fall heavily onto the ground. There was a boom of thunder and in an instant Niamh bolted up. Her orange eyes scanned the surrounding areas for any threat, she was growling deeply. When she came to the conclusion there was no threat, she relaxed and lay back down. the small cat girl shifted herself closer to Niamh, purring softly in her sleep.

Niamh (still black swan form): can't sleep huh? *whispers*

Eddie: *whispers back* no I couldn't

Niamh: *smiles*

Nepeta: *purring loudly*

Eddie: does she do this a lot

Niamh: she's scared is all. when our friend kanaya is out with the rest of us, she gets scared and lonely...she's also afraid of thunderstorms.

Eddie: Seems like they lied to us

Niamh: who lied to who

Eddie: when I was training to be a hunter, the trainers said you guys were hostile and merciless killers but...I see otherwise

Niamh: its only when we have to we are killers. like if another black swan threatens me then I have to retaliate.

Eddie: I've seen you guys kill, isn't it dangerous to get in fights with your claws and teeth

Niamh: yeah I've had my fair share of fights in the past...don't tell Sarah or Claire.

Eddie: *chuckles* your secrets safe with me. you don't have a bed?

Niamh: No I can't move anyway *looks down at nepeta*

Eddie: oh yeah

*another clap of thunder*

Nepeta: *whimpers and hugs Niamh tighter*

Niamh: shhhshshshsh *starts purring*

Nepeta: *Relaxes*

Eddie: cute...

Niamh: *half asleep*

Eddie: get some sleep

Niamh: I...still don't trust you....

Eddie:....I know

Niamh: *falls asleep*

Eddie: *falls asleep soon after*

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