Divergent fears

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This is my first Divergent fan-fiction! I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1:

Christian POV

"They go through their fears for fun?! I never want to go to Dauntless." My sister exclaims.

"I heard their cake was good tho." I say.

"Well it is your choice tomorrow. Choose wisley." my mother says elbowing my sister.

"Just not Dauntless." My father jokes

I look down at my food and whisper

"Yep..not dauntless."

-------------Time laps-----------------

Four sticks a needle in my neck filled with fear landscapes serum.Here I go.


How do you guys like it so far?

Chapter 2:

Christians POV

I never really thought about what my fear landscape would be. In Candor we didn't really talk about fears unless we interact with one, which never happen to me.

Until now.

I feel tiny legs crawl up my arms.

What is that?



"BUGS!OMG EWWWW!" I jump up and down like a little girl trying to shake the tiny creatures of me.

Why did I have to have a fear of bugs?

Minutes pass and the bugs grow in size. I am Dauntless, what would a Dauntless do?

I have an idea but I don't like it.

Whatever, the bugs will only get bigger.

A green one crawls near my mouth and I welcome it in.

Before I can swallow it I puke it back up.

I open my eyes and see no more bugs-thank you!- but what I do see is my sister.



Hey guys! I am going to start a new fan fiction based on The Selection!

I was wondering if I should finish this... should I? comment please and thanks for the 56 reads!

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