Chapater 3

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Four walks out of the room and looks around.

When his eyes land on me, my,heart stops.


I take a deep breathe in and exhale shaky. I forget why I ever chose Dauntless. Maybe it was to prove my father i am not just one more mouth to feed, but a son that can be loved by his own parents.

When i enter the room my hands start to shake so i casually put them in my pant pockets.

"Cold?' Four asks, motioning me to sit down. I nod my head.

With out any warning he plunges the fear serum syringe in my neck.


Arctic cold air blasts across my face. It pinches my cheeks and stings my eyes leaving them red. I look up and see i am in a room located at a top of a building with shattered window.

"Hello?" I yell out.

No one replies. I make my way across the room zig-zaging in a out of flipped over office desks. i reach the window and look down.

Nothing. Just whitness.

I turn back around and see Eric staring at me. I nearly jump out of my skin.

"Al, i am disapointed in you." Then he pulls out a gun.


Hey guys! Thank you sooo much for the 100 reads! Don't forget to vote :)!! So next chapater is going to have a lot of action, so get ready! Thanks again

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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