Episode 3

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Kazuma arrives at the guild. He sees people moving in groups. He wanted to ask a person for infor mation but he was nervous

Kazuma:Woah.... Theres a bunch of people here. Now, what do i do. (Goes to the counter) .These people look mean. (He sees a lone girl) .Excuse me, can i ask?

Girl:What do you want!? (Angrily)

Kazuma:Jeez... Whats your problem

Girl:None of your business

Kazuma:Fine... Ill ask someone else


Kazuma:What is it now?

Girl:Can i group with you?

Kazuma:After what you said.... I would think of-

Girl:Pleeeeeas... Im sorry

Kazuma:(sigh)... I guess i have no choice (this girl pisses me of)



Girl:so what did you want to ask?

Kazuma:Ohh... Why are people in the guild moving in groups

Girl:because one person is not enough to take on quests... Its too dangerous and one person can take only one role. Tank, fighter, mage, assassin and marksman. A person has limited roles depending on their skills

Kazuma:Hmm so what role are you?

Girl:a mage

Kazuma:Ohh i see... By the way why dont you have a group

Girl:uhh well.....

Kazuma:Can i see just how great your magic is?

Girl:Ah sure you can.... Youll be blown away!

Kazuma:(i doubt it) Sure....

Girl:say... Do you know anything about the guild

Kazuma:not really... Im new here

Girl:well do you want to know or not?

Kazuma:(does it look like i dont….) Ye sure...

Girl:well for starters... There are six tiers of quest... That is easy, medium, hard, extreme, legendary and suicide. The harder it gets... The bigger the reward.... From 1,000 to Up to 1,000,000 gems. The easier one take longer to do.... At least 7 days..

Kazuma:hmm good to know

They took on a medium quest(kill a pack of/10 fire wolves)

They were on their way



Kazuma:whats your name?


Kazuma:cmon... If youre not gonna tell me then ill just call you "mrs. cranky"

Girl:WHAT!? NO! My Name is Ayumi.... Ayumi Chitose..

Kazuma:Ayumi... Thats a beautiful name

Ayumi:Shut Up! So, whats YOUR name?

Kazuma:(i just complimented her.... Jeez.) Kazuma... Kazuma Kiyozaki

Ayumi:Nice to meet you.... Now thats settles, we can carry on.

After a while

Kazuma:Were here... Kaizo Hills.. This place is so beautiful!


Kazuma:Now lets check the quest... Kill a pack of fire wolves..

Ayumi:(were are SOOO gonna die) Oh! I see them over there!

They are in a burned forest

Kazuma:hmm... What should we do

Ayumi:Use some magic or use your sword or something.

Kazuma:Well lets see YOUR magic first

Ayumi:Uhh uhh sure! Ill leave you amazed!

Ayumi does hand signs and cast water splash. A tiny splash comes out

Kazuma:hey Ayumi, what was that (sarcastically)

Ayumi:Im trying my best ok!?

Kazuma:then try again!

The same result

Kazuma:(looks at ayumi)


Ayumi starts to cry

Kazuma:Why are you crying?

Ayumi:Im not good at all.... I CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT.. youll probably leave me too.... Just like the rest...

Kazuma:(I guess she has some issues) Hey Ayumi


Kazuma:i took out the wolves

Ayumi:WHAT!? (Looks at the wolves).... HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?

Kazuma:later.. First, lets claim our reward

They went back to the guild and claimed their reward

Kazuma:Hey ayumi.... Here you go(gives her 5k gems)

Gems are currency in that world

Ayumi:Hey kazuma... This is too much... You can take it back

Kazuma:no worries.. The good thing is that you tried

Ayumi:(embarassed)... Ok...

Kazuma:follow me


Kazuma:You said you wanted to learn how i killed those wolfves
so fast right?


They get out of the town and went to a forest

Kazuma:ok heres good..... Now what i want you to do is somewhat hard for you.... I think...

Ayumi:what do you mean?

Kazuma:you DO know that magic uses 3 things from your body right?


Kazuma:it seems you dont know... The first thing that is required for magic is stamina...  more the stamina...the more spells you can cast... If you run out of stamina, it will use your blood as a second resort.... And the final one... You should avoid this.... It will use your life energy... You should only use this stage only if youre in a very dangerous situation... You could either die or turn into a monster.

Ayumi:i understand... What do you want me to do here?

Kazuma:were going to increase your stamina by...



Ayumi:(oh noo......) Isnt there any othe-



Kazuma:seems like your not up to it... Buut if you dont help me on quest im really not going to consider splitting the reward

Ayumi:(shocked) OH FINE!!!

End of Episode 3

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