Chapter 1

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Songs of the chapter:

Paradise - Jack and Jack

Miss Moving On - 5th Harmony

Hey guys :) the names Julie, Jewl for short. Just a small derctiption 'bout me! 15 year old, scratch that, young, girl long dirty blonde hair, green eyes, 5 ft 5 in. super fat. jk I'm average tiny bit on the skinny side though. well whatever... This is the story of my life. :)

Getting into the car I was so excited. The day finally came that I would go to LA with the best people in the world. But there was one tiny problem. We were here at mall (that's where we were meeting up at) for already an hour, since 8 AM, and my best dude, Caleb, and I still haven't talked. There's one thing I hate about him though, he smokes weed.

His quiffed up dirty blonde hair, like mine, matches perfectly to his blue eyes... until they're bloodshot. It's not like it's an everyday thing but still it hurts like crazy whenever he does. And we had this deal that if I didn't wear make up he wouldn't smoke that shiz. like wtf?! do those things even compare?! His friend, Dan, said that it was my "addiction" and if I really cared 'bout Cay I wouldn't wear any... and I didn't until today. I warned him that I was gonna wear a little marcara and you get it from here.

"Oh Me Gooooosshhhh!!! I Am So Excited!!!" My younger sis Nikky screams as we get our things into the trunk of the van (the guys and girls split up 'cause 1. the guys were "too cool" to be with us or too shy and 2. We, girls, wouldn't ever split up.) She's two years younger and is the type of person that would run around, scream and get excited over anything.

"Hahaha Nikk calm down it's gonna be a long ride!" My bestie Angel tells her. Angel is the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Having wavy strawberry blonde hair with gray eyes. She was/is/and forever will be my best friend. We get in the bus that's full of girls and get on the move. I end up sitting next to my other mains, Nova and Alice << they're cousins. Threw the most of the ride were either taking selfies, singing songs out of tune, playing 2048 on my iPod (I know, that's weird. It doesn't even fit in, in anyway. But I promise you I'm normal.) or waving I strangers, playing the sweet and sour game.

"Are we there yet?! How much longer?! Bob the Builders is MY best friend!" Nikky shouts from the back. Gosh she can be so annoying.. really? Bob the Builder? like wut? Anyway, our driver informs us that we have around half an hour to go. Woohoos go around. We're just wanting to get off the bus now ugh. Staying on for 7 hours with only 2 stops isn't my favorite. I guess it was time to tell Macy and Nov about Caleb...

"Hey guys?" They turn they're full attention to me taking out they're earphones, hearing concern in my voice.

"Mhm? What's up J?" Nova asks, and from that I spill everything out.

"Oh. My. Gosh. What is wrong with them?!" Nova whisper yells, not everyone knows about our little problem here. " I would think that after all that Dan has been through that he would help Cay away from this and not worry bout your situation. Are they your parents to tell you what to do?! If your mom and dad approve, they shouldn't say anything."

"Yeah they can't tell you what to do. Sure they care about you too and don't want you to go overboard with make up cause you look good with out it," Alice pats my back and gives me a water bottle, as well as a tissue because I had tears in my eyes. They comfort me and I feel way better, putting those thoughts to the back of my mind. Even though I know they'll come back as soon I see him. But for now I forget about it and spend the last hour of the drive, happy.

Hi guys :) so I decided to write a new story!! Hope you like the beggining so far. sorry if your confused by all the characters coming so fast. here's to clear things up a bit:

Caleb - the main problem I guess. Jewls best guy friend.

Dan - Jason's friend

Julie's best friends for life:
- Angel
- Nova
- Alice
- Nikky ( also her younger sis)

Future characters that I'm sure I'm going to put in here just don't know what role they're going to play:
- Toby or Tyler ( not sure yet)
- Eric

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