Chapter 4

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All of me- John legend

Little me - Little Me

I smile again, "Nice name! I like it. Im Julie, or you can call me Jewl."

He laughs. "Diamond. So where are you from?"

"Sacramento. Up that way. Capital city," Pointing toward home.

"That's cool... I live around here, do you surf?" I tell him sorta because I've tried it a couple times. "Me too! Dude we're twins!" We head off toward the shore and I introduce him to my girls, he's pretty fun and we enjoy our time together. Though, around thirty minutes later we see Caleb and Dan, with a couple of girls. Apperently they missed their ride. Jealousy pangs my heart when Caleb takes her hand to help her, laughing together. Our eyes meet and I quickly look away. Instead, now I'm just angry. Why is he like that?! But at the same time I'm mad at myself. Why am I ruining my perfectly good time by paying attention on someone that never cared? Or ever will?

Nova comes up and turns me around from them, "Why are you doing this to yourself? Enjoy the moment! Why don't you and Tyler go surf? I know you guys love it! And he's a cool guy... Honestly if I were you, I'd choose Ty over Cay." She nudges me playfully. Thinking over what she just said she shakes her head and changes your choice, "Naaah you guys will forever be perfect for each other, even if you don't think so."

"Ummm your right about the part I won't ever think that, I guess I'll go surf,"I sigh then with a thanks I run off toward Tyler. "Hey! Wanna hit the waves?" He smiles and nods his head. We head off to the surf shop. I think it's time for me to get my permenate board anyway. Angel comes with us, for the first time, she's actually going to try it! Hopefully, Tyler's good at training people, 'cause I'm horrible. He has his own, I buy mine, one that has peach Hawaiian flowers on a brown surface, and Angel rents hers.

Heading out toward the water, Tyler starts explaining the way of the surfing. He make it sound so easy and simple.

"And it really isn't that hard, just have the balance equalled out," he keeps going, while we're heading deeper into the ocean up to our waist. I'm happy Angel has him to teach her because my instructor told me like it was the hardest thing in the world, which it one hundred percent isn't.

Tyler shows her, and me 'cause I defiantly still need some help, a couple times. Angels jaw gapes open.

"Dzammmnn you'r good!" she tells him as he comes to a stop next to us.

"Well you'd be just as good if you lived next to the beach too," he says flipping his hair out of his eyes.

Angel tries and the first time she falls, its ok I'd be surprised if anyone got it on their first try. The next few times are wobbly but she gets the hang of it and soon we're all racing to see who can catch a good wave first.

"Gosh, wow that was amazing guys!" Angel says excitedly, after hours of surfing and we decide to get back to everyone, her eyes shine brightly.

"Thanks so much Tyler! I would've never have learned so much if it weren't for you! Honestly I was kinda scared at first but now... I think I'm going to need to built some type of thingy so I can at home, or move here. No, never mind, I couldn't leave her," She points to me and hugs him, then rushes to where Nikki and Kyle are playing volleyball to tell her about our time.

"Hahaha, she's a quick learner. Or your just a great teacher, thanks again," I tell him and we head off to the direction that the brunette took.

You hungry?" I ask him.

"Yes, starving!"

Everyone realized that we were hving so much fun that we missed lunch so we head over to the food court, get ourselves something to eat. Soon we sit down at a table and dig in.

After only fifteen minutes Alice leans in, "Trouble coming at 9 o'clock." Even though they're quite a fair distance away I ignore "trouble" completely and finish my late lunch.

"Who wants ice-cream?!" Nikki screams at the top of her lungs. "Julie's treat!"

I growl but decide to buy everyone a cone anyway. Like come on these are my besties we're talking about, and Tyler, who can be counted as a guy I think I have grown, within a couple hours, to enjoy being with a lot. Everyone writes down what flavor they want and I go in line to order.

"Hey, I never knew you surfed! We saw you out there, that was great!" Caleb comes up and tries to start a conversation. Well he's in a good mood. Like nothing happened before. Umm no I don't think so.

"Yeah there are a lot of things you don't know." I cross my arms and turn around. He was being a jerk and put on the "I'm innocent. What are you talking about?" act.

"I don't get you Jewl. Why are you like this?" He says as Tyler walks up. "Oh, who's this?"

"Hey, I'm Tyler and I'm not deaf and I can speak," he says to Caleb. Then whispering into my ear he says, "Do you know this guy? Is he bothering you? No offence, but I don't like him." In my head I awww, he doesn't even know me and he's already acting as if he's my brother. Wow Tyler's going to be a great friend, I'm sure of it. If he really is how he acts then I better not loose this guy. Out loud though I laugh, "No it's ok. Come on, the others are waiting and their ice-cream's going to melt." Simply ignoring Caleb and walking right past him as if he was never there. His face expression is a bit hurt and surprised, but who cares?

Later on we all sit on a towel in the sand, the water lapping at our toes. Tyler's friends join us, they're just as cool as him. The first one's, Kyle, a little short with jet black hair that is spiked up in the front. For some strange reason I have a feeling Nikki fell in love with him as soon as she saw him. The second guy, Eric, had brown hair just like Tyler's except with a bit of blonde along the edges, which he flipped every so often. We decided to play a game of how to get each others digits.

"Ok this is how we play, girls against guys. We will say out numbers out loud and each of you will put them in your contacts." Kyle explains and winks. "Then you text us at the same time and we try to figure out who is who."

It takes a long time for them to figure them out, kind of slow. Everyone settles down and everythings just chill. Angel calls Spencer for already the millionth time today, making sure he comes tomorrow and rubbing in how much fun he's missing out from, she doesn't tell him about Caleb's and my problem thankfully. But I bet Caled already has. Nikky and Kyle are just talking while passing a soccer ball around. Yeah, you would have to be blind to not see they really liked each other already. Tyler and Eric went swimming while Nova and Alive simply tan.

Having nothing to do, I decide to go on a walk along the beach, just by myself for fresh air. The view and the feel of water calms me down, the salty air breezes threw my long hair that's flowing loosely. Soon I forget about everything, yes it's that easy for me sometimes, and I start enjoying myself in the water, still walking along the shore line. I start doing cartwheels and thinking of skateboarding tricks that I still need to accomplish. But of coarse, life is cruel and won't let me be happy for just a second, and again I spot "trouble" jogging toward me, with a shmirk on Dan's face. Only this time I'm alone. I can't face them with out Nova, Alice, Nikky, and Angel; or at least one of them. I feel to weak, emotionally and physically. Come on couldn't I enjoy myself for a little?! Everything I'll comment back will be regretted later, also regretting things I could've said, my talking back is horrible in so many situations, as well as my comebacks. I'm kind of scared, feeling like the prey. So like what any animal would do, or human in this situation, I run.

Well hey there! Hope you like it :)

Not much of an authors note but oh wells! The story is going to have a lot of problems between the characters... it'll be very interesting my loves!



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