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What's wrong with lover boy?" Cameron asked. "Lover boy just found out I'm pregnat." I said back.


Me, Kierstyn, Breanna and Savana had a "girls night" we watched Netflix all night and around 9 Nash walked in the room.

kierstyn screamed. "I missed you so much." she said. "Wait I thought you weren't supposed to be home until tomorrow?" Savana said.

"Well I thought y'all wanted to see my puppy is all." He said. He opened up the door some more and a cute pit Bull puppy came wobbling in. Kierstyn and Nash went out side with the puppy and the rest I us continued I watch netflix and cry.

"Mrs. Caniff your wanted in the living room." Matt said walking in. I laughed and got up. Savana and Breanna still watchin netflix. I started to walk when someone put a bandana on me.

"Just keep walking I got you." Matthew said. He took the bandana off and I saw balloons everywhere. Taylor was on his knees with a ring in his hand.

I tried not to cry looking get the balloons reading things like "it's a girl" or congratulations. I looked right at Taylor.

"Chloe Tramell. I have loved you forever and we have been dating for over 2 years now. We are apparently having a baby and I'll love you forever. Will you marry me?" He said.

A tear ran down my face. I thought to my self OMG I probably look like a turtle right now. "Well I like turtles." Taylor said. I must have said that out loud. I thought.

"Yes, yes, yes! I will marry you." I said. He immeadiabtly put the ring on my finger picked me up and kissed me. This was the happiest moment in my life right now.

Taylor and I went on a walk holding out hands together like they could never come apart.

There was an Icecream truck driving by so Taylor got me a Chocolate fudge at my favorite and we walked back home to go spend some time together.


Aparently we missed Taylor's proposal to Chloe like what the fuck she's my sister how the fuck could I miss that?

I finally relized something happens when the love birds were gone and there were balloons EVERYWHERE.

I went to go lay down in my bed and try to go to sleep but I relized for a pregnat woman it's basically impossible so I laid down and was on my phone for a while.

Cameron walked in about 20 minutes later. "Hey babe." he said jumping on the bed.

Hey I said paying no attention to him just my phone.

He ripped to phone out of my hand. "Whatcha looking at." He asked. "I'm reading fan fics about you on this app called Wattpad." I said.

He looked at it for a second. "But babe you have already had sex with me no need to dream about it." I laughed "no really I want to finish." I said reaching for the phone.

He got up out of the bed and started running around the room. "Give it back!" I yelled trying to chase him. He ran to the bathroom and I didn't relize there was a chair right there.

I tripped and was in so much pain. It felt as if someone cut off my leg (knee and below.)

Cameron came out of the room dropped my phone and carried me in the bed.

I couldn't hear EVERYHTING but he started screaming. I couldn't say anything like I was fine the only thing I wanted to do was sleep and so I did.

The last words I heard before I went to sleep were "Breanna I love you."


Breanna tripped on a chair let's go, I said to Nash he sat up out of bed an ran to Cameron's and Breannas room.

She fell asleep. Cameron said. We waited a couple hours for her to get up and she finally did.

Cameron was by her side and never left. As soon as we heard her breath almost harping for air we all looked at her.

Are you okay? Cameron asked. "Well my head hurts is all." She said. "I'll get you some Tylenol." Nash said waking out of the room.

She screamed. "What's wrong? Is something wrong do you need me to drive you to the hospital." Cameron said.

"No."she grabbed his hand feel this. He smiled immeadiantly and Breanna asked me to come over there. I out my hand on her stomach and felt a "kick"

He/she is kicking Breanna said with a smile on her face. Nash walked in the room give her the Tylenol and we walked out together closing the door.

We sat in the couch next to Matthew and Savana cuddled together. I smiled and we started to watch Breaking Dawn part 1.

Matt fixed some popcorn and we sat down and watched the movie while enjoying eachothers company.

Me and Nash ended up falling asleep on the couch and Matt and Savana jut went back to Thier room.


I woke up alone and hearing scratches at the door. I went to go open it and it was Beth (the dog Nash for for Kierstyn)

Then Nash came right after Beth. "Good morning beautiful." He said kissing my lips.

I let them both inside playing with Beth for a while when Chloe walks in. "Good morning pregers number 2." I said.

She flipped me off and sat on the couch turning on some tv.

Breanna Matt Nash and I decided to go out I the mall.

We all got ready and drove in my Camero to the closet mall.

We all walked in and the first thing we saw was a couple making out, there was a girl with long blonde hair. And a boy with shaggy dirty blonde hair

Get a room Matt yelled. And Alexa turned around from kissing that guy. Oh great Nash said.


SUPRISE! Double update because I love you all.

Words cannot explain how happy I am for over 650 reads! Wow that's amazing.


Love you all okay. okay.

I really want to see the Fault in our Stars movie okay so don't judge.

Bye cuties 👋😍

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