Klaine - Our love is all we need Chapter 6

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Kurt: Hey babe J Can’t stop thinking about you, and I am sooo bored, so I decided that I would make some fun out of this lesson by texting you ;)

Blaine: Aww you’re so adorable J I can’t stop thinking about you either love you babe J

Kurt: In glee later there’s a song I want to sing to you J

Blaine: What song would that be?

Kurt: Ahh that would be telling, I’ll give you a clue....

A second later, Blaine’s phone buzzed again. This time it was a picture. He looked at his phone in confusion. It was a picture of a car. A VW Beatle to be precise.

 “What you looking at?” the cheerleader whispered, noticing that Blaine was staring at his phone with a weird look on his face. Blaine handed her the phone.

“I don’t get it”

“That’s the thing, neither do I, Kurt said that it was a clue as to what he’s going to sing to me in glee club later”

“Sorry, but I have no idea”

“Hmhmhmm” The teacher cleared his throat, standing over Blaine and the cheerleader.

“Something you would like to share with the entire class, Mr Anderson and Miss Clarkson?”

“No Sir” they chorused.

 “Why not, texting your girlfriend Anderson” yelled a guy from the front.

“No” Blaine snapped. Seriously, how long did it take for word to get around that he’s gay?

“This is confiscated” the teacher said, snatching Blaine’s phone.

“And I’m sure that the person you were texting’s teacher would love to know that a student was texting in class. Were you texting a student Mr Anderson, because I will check to see if you were lying if you say no”

“Yes” Blaine said.

“Who’s phone is this?”

“Mine” Blaine muttered.

 “Come with me” the teacher said with a stern expression on his face. Blaine stood up and followed the teacher out of the room. He handed his phone back to Blaine.

“I’ve put that on loud, so if it goes off again, I will know, and I will take that phone right back”

“Yes Sir”

Just as he said that, his phone started playing Teenage Dream...his ring tone, not his text alert. The teacher nodded for him to answer the call.



“Jeff, this isn’t a good time”

“Ooohhhh you with Kurt Blainey boy, ooohhh whatcha getting up to”

“Shut up Jeff”

Blaine heard kissing noises coming from the background.

“Put me on speaker Jeff” Blaine sighed. The teacher signalled for Blaine to put his phone on speaker as well, but Blaine really didn’t know why.

“Nick, I swear to god, do that again and I will end you”

“Blaine, Blaine, Blaine, you have yet to learn that I never do as I’m told! You’ve known me for years, and you still don’t know that”

“Of course I know that Nick, I shared a room with you Sophomore year....”

“Yeh, I remember that, I told you I wouldn’t stop singing”

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