||~Caught Again?~||

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(Andy's POV)

Rem sat up from his position lying down next to Andy. "So you guys are a couple now huh? God Remington, I knew you were gay." Emerson scoffed sipping on milk.
    "So you're a stalker now huh? God Emerson I knew you were a stalker." Remington spit back.
    "Whatever Remington." Emerson waved off the couple.

    "I'm sorry you have to deal with him. He's kind of an ass," Remington softly said.
    "Baby it's okay, It comes with the life of having a younger brother. Not that i know much of it because i'm an only child." I said, leaning in to kiss him. I put my hand on his cheek. "You just love my kisses don't you?" Rem asked. "I just can't get enough of you." I pleaded.  "Are you hungry?" He asked me. "Yeah I kinda am." I got up from Remington's bunk. "Hey Sebastian?" I asked the oldest boy. "Hey Andy what's up?" He asked with a slight smile on his face. "Do you know where we are?" He raised his eyebrow then looked at his phone. "We are in Oakland, our tour dates got mixed up, we aren't playing in California we're playing in Las Vegas, which is 8 hours and 49 minutes away. " He replied handing me his phone showing me the GPS. I studied the phone long and hard. "Thanks Sebastian." I handed him back his phone. Sebastian gave me a slight smile and a nod then walked off. My head started spinning. Juliet... she popped in my mind. I walked over to the couch and sat down. Typing Juliet's instagram user into my phone.

oooooooooooooffff what have i doneeeee

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