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Jay opened her eyes to a bright, and early morning, she checked her watch which read

7:05 a.m.

She yawned and looked over to pet Scraps, he had shifted and was now laying on his back and snoring. Jasper gently shook him awake, he yawned a big yawn and jumped to her lap. Jay realized Scraps was getting really thin, she needed to find some food and fast. Jasper then took her five dollars pulled her shirt over  Scraps and walked into the Walmart, of course she got stares because her 'pregnant belly' was moving, but she didn't keep eye contact with anyone for very long.
        Tears welled up in Jay's eyes when she realized she only had enough for two bottles of water and some trail mix. She grabbed her items and was looking at the dog food when suddenly she saw the corner of a piece of paper under one of the shelf's. It was green, as she proceeded to pull it out she couldn't believe her luck, it was a 20 dollar bill, of course she shoved it into her pocket looking around to see if anyone saw her, she really didn't think of it as stealing, she really REALLY needed that money she had to keep Scraps alive and healthy. With the extra money she found she decided to buy a small bag of dog food that would fit in her suitcase a little toy for Scraps (which he picked out) a couple more bottles of water, and a loaf of Wonder Bread (the cheapest bread she could find) She walked up to the cash register with all her items setting them on the conveyer belt and watching the cashier scan them one by one.
"Your total is $12.45" the cashier said in a bland tone
"Yes! I still have some to spend." Jay said under her breath
She proudly handed the cashier the 20 dollar bill. Jay grabbed her groceries and left, one hand was still holding Scraps under her shirt.

   Right as she left the store she let Scraps out from under her shirt and they both began to run very quickly back to the tree. Jay gently hoisted Scraps up to a nearby branch, he proceeded to hop from branch, to branch till he made it to the suitcase. Jasper climbed up the tree very swiftly worrying that someone might have seen her. She opened her suitcase and placed the groceries in. She broke open the dog food, poured some in her hands and held it to Scraps, he gladly ate all of it, she also opened a bottle of water and kept pouring a little into his mouth until she wouldn't drink anymore. Everything would barely fit in her suitcase, but she made it work. It was getting dark and Scraps and Jasper needed a new place to crash. Jasper jumped down with the suitcase and Scraps in her hands and began to walk.

Jasper JonesWhere stories live. Discover now