Rules / Guidelines

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Condensed Version:

1. Respect my characters and I.
2. No godmoding, i.e no controlling my characters.
3. Nothing triggering unless we've talked about it OOA first.
4. Literacy is important.  No text talk unless it's OOA or the characters are texting.
5. I prefer third person and literate.  4+ lines.
6. You have one month to reply or the roleplay is terminated.  If you come back and would like to continue, you are out of luck.  However, we can start over.  Don't expect the same character, though.
7. Rules can be added.  (In a new part.)

Note: I'm not always this grumpy.  Sometimes I'm worse.  (Ehh, bad joke.)  I actually can be very nice.  When I want to be.

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