Chapter 7 - Hot Mugs and Kimonos

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"What the hell, Dr Reid!"
The young man was standing at her door, and she was hoping he had a good reason. "Why are you here? It's nearly three in the morning!"

"I'm sorry Miss Park...this is urgent. It's about the case."

She sighed, and let him enter her apartment.

He followed her in, and found himself gazing at her legs. Dr Park hadn't expected him at the door, otherwise she wouldn't have been dressed so lightly. Spencer was blushing a bit, embarrassed. He wasn't used to these situations. She turned around, and she too, seemed flustered.

"Wait a second."

The young woman went into her room and came back, wearing a blue kimono. Spencer internally approved - Japanese culture had always fascinated him.

"So. Tell me the reason of your visit." She signalled him a chair, in front of her kitchen counter. He sat, as she took place on the other side and started boiling water.

"Well, it's complicated-"

"Coffee or Tea?" She asked, holding up two boxes.


"Choose." She gave him a mysterious smile, as she placed them in front of him.

Spencer hesitantly picked up the coffee box.

"Wrong choice!" She smiled and shook her head. "It was a trick question. You always take tea."

Spencer seemed confused. "I'm sorry, I-"

The young woman laughed. "Seriously though, you can pick anything you like."

"Then I'll try tea." He was surprised at how much he was smiling around her.

"Good." She gave him an approving look, and got back to brewing the leaves. "Sorry if I interrupted you, please tell me."

"Well..." He paused and hesitated, but kept talking. "It might seem a bit far-fetched, but I need you to believe me and be on my side."

She slid a hot mug of the drink in front of him.

"Okay." She was intrigued. Maybe his ways had convinced her, even only after a day.

He left a pause, before asking,

"For how long do you have the corpses at your office?"

Coffee, Tea //  Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now