Chapter 4 - Psychopath

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The young medical examiner was confused, and the agents seemed surprised by her sudden intervention.

"What do you mean? The team has already profiled the unsub, and he appears to be a man." Dr. Reid said.

"Yes, I know. But what indicates that this is the work of a single perpetrator?" She asked.

Spencer looked at her for an instant, before realising what she'd said. They both knew what she was implying.

"Do you mean that..." he trailed off.

"Seems likely to me." She answered.

"Could you show us...?"

"Of course, follow me."

Derek was left puzzled by their telepathic exchange.

"This is Margaret Thomas. She shows three different types of wounds; gunshot to the head, killing her instantly, then multiple stab wounds, divided into two categories. The first are violent but not very deep, and the others are more hesitant, but not as shallow."

Lilith indicated the different injuries on the corpse.

"Diane Wilson and Timothy Dunham show a little less variety." SSA Derek Morgan stated.

"Indeed." She agreed.

"So...are you insinuating that we're facing a group of three male unsubs?" Reid said, hesitant.

"No, not exactly." Dr Park looked at the young doctor, hoping for him to reach to his own conclusion.

"A woman." His eyes widened as he spoke the words.

Lilith nodded.

"Everything indicates the presence of a group, including a woman."

"Usually women are not the most common to use weapons to kill..." Morgan said, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Suggesting that she could possibly be psychotic."

Lilith carefully listened, and agreed.

"Yes, and she would be the more uncontrolled yet shallow wounds, as she wouldn't present the same force as a man."

"The gunshot wound could be the leader, and he'd give the signal for his other two accomplices when he'd be done so they could have fun with the corpses by brutalising them. At least in their sick view of fun." Morgan continued, disgusted.

"Yes, but I have a feeling that the third person was forced... his stab wounds seem too shaky to be completely voluntarily..." Spencer said,
"And yet we still dont have anything that links them together..."

"We should head back to the BAU." SSA Derek Morgan stated.

Spencer nodded, and they left.

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