Worth More Than A Lamborghini - Larry Stylinson One Shot

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[A/N] Thanks to all of you who voted for this in the 1DBromanceAwards! I was kind of... shocked when I won, considering there were several other one shots that were a crap ton better than mine. So yeah... THANK YOU!

"Can I drive?"


"Mmm…Can I drive… now?"

"Not a chance."

That’s how the past ten minutes of the car ride had been going with my boyfriend. We sat in Louis’ silver Lamborghini on the way back from Nando’s. I’d tried to talk Louis into letting me drive home, and even though we were already halfway back to our flat, I still tried. But much to my disappointment, my attempts were pointless.

I let out a huff and crossed my arms, "Why can’t I drive?"

"Because, silly boy, the car is mine," Louis explained patiently. "Drive your own car… Are you buckled?"

"But I want to drive yours," I insisted, nonchalantly buckling my seatbelt.

"Why on earth do you want to do that?" Louis laughed.

"Just to say that I did," I shrugged.

"You’ve only had your license for like… three months, Haz," Louis sighed.

I rolled my eyes, "But I’m still a good driver. I’m not gonna crash your baby."

Louis affectionately stroked the steering wheel, "I still don’t wanna take the chance."

I scowled at him, "I swear. You love this thing more than you love me."

Louis pulled into our driveway, "You make it sound like we’re married. Get your arse outta my car."

I gaped at him in shock for a moment before kicking open the door angrily and snapping, "I’m glad you assured me that you love me more than your car," I slammed the door before he had time to respond.

Throwing his car door open before slamming it closed apparently upset him, because he was out of his side in an instant, "Harry Edward Styles," I continued walking towards the front door of our flat, ignoring him. He continued, "Why are you acting like you’re eight years old?"

"Just shut up Louis," I snapped, storming up to our door and fumbling in my pockets for my key.

He was suddenly right behind me, "Move, mate," he unlocked the door and I pushed passed him and into the flat. He didn’t make a move to tell me that I was indeed worth more to him than his car, so I wasn’t going to speak to him until he did. I heard him toss his keys onto the counter and then flop down on the couch with a sigh, "Where are you going?"

I didn’t answer him. Instead, I stomped into my room and slammed the door and locked it. I walked angrily to my bed and punched my pillow, then flung myself onto the bed facedown in the sheet. Only I had my face on the side where Louis sleeps, so of course it smelled like him, which just made me angry. I pushed myself back up off the bed and sat on the floor and leaned my head back against the mattress. I glared at my closet for awhile, before slowly closing my eyes.


I must have fallen asleep, and I woke up with a sore neck. Standing stiffly, I stretched and considered climbing back into bed. I glanced down at the clock. It was a little before midnight, and my bed did look rather nice. But for some dumb reason I wanted Louis to come to bed with me. I’d become rather used to curling up against him to sleep, and apparently needed him with me to fall asleep now. I was pitiful. So even though I was mad at him, I unlocked my door and wandered out into the living room to find him.

Worth More Than A Lamborghini - Larry Stylinson One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now