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An hour after the thing with the monster, my freak out had become the topic of the day.

"Stop staring at her!" Amanda snapped at a group of freshmen.

She marched me down the hallway to the lunchroom. We dropped out bags into the claim system, and stepped into the tubes.

The school's dietician would assess us and consult his computer to see which foods would serve our needs best.

"Cassadee May Rogers." The automated voice said, " Five foot, six inches. One hundred and fourteen pounds. Today's meal: One quarter pound of white meat chicken, seasoned with vitamin-enriched salt and pepper. There is a side of fruit salad, and a Benefit smoothie. Please select your allowed, extra dessert."

I reach to the screen and tap the option for a mini cinnamon roll. I walk out of my tube to see Amanda. She has the same thing as I do, except she has a little more chicken.

Amanda is a petite girl with long blonde hair, and blue eyes. She has to eat more to reach her weight objective by senior year.

We went to sit down at our usual table. It was the one with the best view. From our little table, you could see the mountains that surrounded North Lake.

Kyle, Andy, and John were already scarfing down their meals, while Kaylie, Sophie, and Abigail were picking at their spaghetti.

"Hey kids!" I greet them as I take my seat in between John and Kaylie. John slings his arm around my shoulder and kisses me on the cheek. We've been dating as long as I can remember.

"So, Cassie, still seeing things?" Andy jokes.

"Andrew!" Amanda yells, horrified. She shoves him hard to the side.

"Cassie is not crazy. Stop treating her like she is." She says sternly.

"Sorry babe." He kisses her on the mouth. "Sorry Cass." He adds.

I nod at him laughing. I think back to this morning as I absently eat my food. John is saying something, but I'm not really paying attention. The creature is burned into my mind. Its green skin, claws, and its fangs. I can't forget the way it stalked the security guard, preparing to kill. I also can't forget the way the security guard shot it down like it was nothing.

I have the sudden urge to scream again.

John looks at me curiously. "Everything okay?"

I smile at him. "Perfect."


"The years before the Revolt weren't much better than the war itself. Murder and crime rates were high; people hurt others for pleasure. They had no idea how to handle money or power. The economy was broken, and the government was anarchy." The teacher of History 102 went on with her lecture. It was always the same spiel over and over.

"After we won the war, our scientists searched high and low for the source of humanity's corruption. They looked for the things that caused the unbalance and evil in our world. They searched through genetics, adaptations, and thought processes. They even went as far back as the first humans, our ancient ancestors, to find the cause." She paused. "Would anyone like to tell me what happened next?"

John raised his hand.

"Mr. Meyer, please explain." The teacher said

"After all the searching, the scientists finally figured out that the violence and inhumanity were learned behaviors. By the time we were teenagers, we had these behaviors engraved into us. This led the researchers to believe that these behaviors were absorbed as children. They then proceeded to lock up the nation's children. They taught them the correct ways to behave so that society would once again be a pure community. Once the children pass their Exam at thirteen, they are released back to their families. If they don't pass, well that doesn't happen. No one is stupid enough to fail!" he laughs, and so do all his guy friends. I just roll my eyes at their antics.

The teacher gives him a stern, disapproving look and continues.

"Actually, if the children do not pass, they retake the Exam on their next birthday. For homework, you will all need to write an essay on how nutritional specification contributes to society."

There are several groans from students as we all pull out our planners. We type away, putting our homework on tonight's to-do list. At night we have to put our to-do list into the program at home, and the government uses trackers to ensure we get everything done.

I'm lost in thought as I walk to my locker. I grab my purse and throw my binder, books, and schoolbag into the transporter in the back of the locker. They'll be waiting for me at home.

"Cassadee, are you coming?" Kyle calls out.

"Yeah, I'll be right there." I turn and lean my forehead against the cool metal of the locker.

Images of green-skinned men, with needle sharp fangs and six-inch claws. The face of the monster flashes to me again. Something about it is familiar. Then it hits me.

The eyes.

They were human.

"Cassie, hurry up!" Amanda yells.

"Sorry, coming." I walk towards them with the image still in my brain.



New chapter.


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xxHannah 😘

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