First Day Part 2

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After the six bestfriends introduced themselves, the others followed. Now, its the turn of the Power Group to introduce theirselves.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Oh Sehun imnida." The poker faced man said but directly looking at Luhan.
"Hi. I'm Chen. But my real name is Kim Jongdae. Let's be friends." A troll lively introduced himself.
"Hello. I'm Zhang Yixing. But you can call me Lay." The unicorn smiled after introducing himself causing some girls to shriek because of his dimple. But Suho is secretly "fangirling".
"Annyeonghaseyo. Choneun Kai imnida. But my real name is Kim Jongin."
The tannedmale introduced but winked directly at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo blushed slightly but shrugged it off.
"Hi. I'm the fab Kris or Wu Yi Fan. Nice to meet you." The certain male who was mesmerized by Tao introduced himself. And of course last but not the least.......
"Hello. *derp* I'm Park Chanyeol. Glad to know all of you. But I'm already  taken." The giant yoda introduced staring directly at Baekhyun who stared back also but secretly smiling.

After the introduction, the bell rang and it means that it's break time. The 2 groups went to the cafeteria to eat. The Power Group was seating near the window while the other group was beside them. While eating, in Lucky group, someone broke the silence.

"Umm, guys ------" Baek broke the silence but someone cut it off.
"Hi, Baek." Chanyeol called Baekhyun with matching kiss on the cheek. Both groups were shocked but after school, they decided to talk to them.

While ChanBaek is drowned in their own world, the others excused themselves. They went to the rooftop and some to the garden.

The ones who went to the garden are Suho, Luhan, and Xiumin. Chen, Sehun, and Lay went to them to introduce theirselves once again and to make friends with each other.

"Hi, guys. Remember us? I think we're classmates in all subjects we have." Chen said.
"Yeah. I think so. By the way, do you know Baekhyun? Xiumin asked.
"Actually, no." Sehun answered.
"But one of your friends is Chanyeol if I'm not mistaken. How come he knows him?" Luhan asked back.
"We don't know. But at least they owe us an explanation." Lay replied.
"Well, you're right. Let's go to class before the bell ring so we won't be late." Suho suggested.

They went by pairs:
Lay and Suho
Sehun and Luhan
Chen and Xiumin

On the other hand, Kyunsoo and Tao stayed at the rooftop. They find it peaceful and calm when they are there. Suddenly, the door opened and both of them turned their heads to see who are they.

"Oh, hi. I didn't know you're here." Kai said.
"Hello. It's okay. This place is not our property so its everyones right to go up here." Kyungsoo replied.
"Hello, panda. Are you Chinese? Do you not sleeping properly?" Kris asked.
"Hi. Yes, I am Chinese and no, I was born with this." Tao answered.
"Oh okay. *looked at his watch* Let's return before it gets time." Kris reminded.

Everybody nodded their heads and went back to the classroom. All throughout the day, they had a nice time and became close as time goes by but when ChanBaek returned, they remembered the incident a while ago. Baekhyun saw his friends reaction, same as Chanyeol so they both know that the interrogation will not be good.

Before I forgot, ChanBaek cut classes just to have a date.

How will the interrogation go?
How did Chanyeol and Baekhyun met?
How long are they?

Revealed in the next chapters.


Sorry if I just updated today. Some things happened that causes me to bacome stressed.

Hope you forgive me.
Sorry for lame update.


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