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Tagged by: EXOCBXkpop

15 facts about me

▪ I am just 14 years old.
▪I am not innocent but sometimes ignorant
▪ I love all the main ships of EXO.
▪ Don’t even dare tell me to ship ChanSoo, XiuHan, Krisho, etc. In side OTP's, I only love KaiHun, BaekSoo, KyungMyeon.
▪Ever since I read the very first b×b fanfic of EXO, I'm now obsessed to them being shipped so don't ship them with girls.
▪ I am having PCD for a moment.
▪ I only have one sister, half sister to be exact
▪ I hate exercise.
▪ I just joined the fandom last year. But I love them.
▪I'm sensitive.
▪I always wish that EXO will have a grand reunion with the 3 former members.
▪This is the first time I am tagged.
▪I like to eat and sleep. And also going to malls.
▪ Because of EXO, I learned how to save money so I can buy their albums.
▪ I will only love EXO. And my fellow EXO-L's too. But not the solo stans and fake ones.

I will tag:

PS: Sorry ✌✌✌

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