So close yet so far

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So close yet so far is the excuse to everything. Those kids who decide that they'll just jump off a bridge and that no one will ever save them. Or those teens that jump off the cosmopolitan tree stump and feel the ground being pulled up beneath them. And some whose generation is based on technology get squished to death in an elevator. Well if this is the world you want to live in surely you can be my guest. But when you say they were near, but suddenly their "friends" called them #quire, they were surely not close at all. But that wouldn't happen, that would not be the case if those people hadn't committed second hand murder.

So instead of sending an email to the ones that you know, why don't you speak not with your virtual feat, but with the voice inside of your body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2014 ⏰

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