Summer Dreams

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2 Days later


"Jennifer!" a firm hand gripped my shoulder and nudged me into my mattress. I groaned and merely opened my eyes.

The girls stood around me, still looking broken. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We decided to come back for awhile, we needed to be home." Liz interjected.

Nodding I leaned up on my elbows, forgetting what I was wearing.

"What's that?" Claire tugged at the shirt that clung to my frame.

"I couldn't help it. I should probably be burning it, I just can't sleep without it though," I fisted the dark material. I accidentally shoved it in my bag, in the hurry that I was in.

"They haven't so much as text us." Becca seemed to not be affected by this.


"Yeah. They just cut us out, without as much as an explanation." Liz countered.

"Harry, he wouldn't stop blowing my phone up. I had to take the battery out," I held out the device.

"What the hell?" DJ cursed,"What did he say?"

I shrugged," Didn't have the heart to read them," I plopped back down.

" 'Jennifer, please answer my calls. I need to talk to you!' " they read aloud.

" ' Fine, don't answer. I just wanted to say, I love you. The boys are heart broken and we all really had something going. It wasn't our choice though, just know that much.' " they continued.

"What does he mean ' it wasn't our choice though'?"

"You should ask." Becca handed over the phone.

I typed,' What do you mean? You obviously wanted to end things, otherwise we would be with you right now.' deleting it at the last second.

"Why aren't you sending it?" Claire looked puzzled.

"I don't really care. We're done, that's that." I blocked Harry from my phone and on all social media sites.

We spent hours just talking, from what happened the past couple days to our childhoods. It was the happiness I felt again, as I had with Harry. My mind repeatedly crept back to the thought of him, me forcing it away.

"What the hell?" DJ looked down at her phone.

"What?" we all panicked.

"The boys....they posted a picture."

"Picture of what?" Liz pushed further.

"Of the background there's our street sign," we all surrounded the iPhone.

The caption read, 'Going to make things right'.

Soon enough the familiar knock sounded at the front door, my mother rushing to get it. Great.

"They don't want to see you," my mom could be heard protesting their forced entry.

"Jennifer!" Harry's voice seemed gruff.

"Get in the closet!" I pushed them to the doubled doors.

Harry burst in, taking me by surprise of how unkept he seemed;"Babe!"

He place his hand on my cheek," Don't touch me," I pulled away.

"Why haven't you been answering me?"

"Isn't that obvious?" I sarcastically remarked.

"You blocked me!" he seemed a little shocked, I nodded.

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